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Solar panels produce electricity without harmful carbon dioxide emissions. If we had enough solar panels, and solar farms across the deserts we could stop burning fossil fuels to generate power and transport. This would be a great step in slowing and perhaps preventing global warming.

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12y ago
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11y ago

Yes, if the batteries are charged with renewable electricity (from solar, wind, water, hydro, tidal and wave, geothermal, ocean thermal, biomass and biofuel).

No, if the source of electricity [or hydrogen, for another example] is from coal or methane (CH4) fired power plants that are not equipped with CCS - carbon capture and storage - capabilities.

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13y ago

Indirectly, yes. By using solar power, as well as wind power and geothermal power, we can generate electricity without burning fossil fuels. The less we burn fossil fuels, the more we slow down the effects of global warming.

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11y ago

No. The car is not a solution. In fact, driving vehicles is one contributor to global warming, as fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) release carbon dioxide which adds to the enhanced (or accelerated) greenhouse effect which is causing global warming.

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10y ago

If we use solar power to generate electricity then we are emitting no carbon emissions, so are not contributing to global warming. If electricity use from fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) is thus reduced we have made a positive contribution.

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9y ago

It will take more electric cars to stop global warming.Electric cars are a very good place to start preventing global warming.There are other factors that have to be addressed before we can safely say global warming has stopped.

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15y ago

By powering your house with solar panels instead of using nonrenewable sources, you could help fight global warming.

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11y ago

solar cars do help reduce global warming as they are emission free and are not bad for the atmosphere.
Because they use energy from the sun and do not release polutants into the air.

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9y ago

Yes, a very small amount. Solar cars do not burn fossil fuels, so they have no carbon dioxide emissions while running. At the moment solar cars are not practical for everyday transport.

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Q: Will electric cars save the planet from global warming?
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Why does global warming keep going up?

Global warming continues to increase primarily due to human activities that release greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and methane into the atmosphere. These gases trap heat, causing temperatures to rise. Factors such as deforestation, burning fossil fuels, and industrial processes contribute to the accumulation of these gases, leading to a warming planet.

What can people do to avoid the effect of global warming?

stop using gas cars but that is only a small part of it

Do immigrants cause global warming?

Immigrants themselves do not directly cause global warming. However, changes in population size, regardless of immigrants or not, can impact environmental resources and contribute to climate change if adequate sustainability measures are not in place. Addressing global warming requires collective actions at local, national, and international levels, regardless of immigration status.

How can Global Warming help kids?

Global warming can lead to a greater focus on environmental education for kids, promoting awareness and instilling a sense of responsibility for the planet's well-being. It offers an opportunity for children to learn about sustainability and ways to mitigate climate change, fostering a generation that is proactive in addressing environmental challenges.

Why is global warming relevant to us?

Global warming is relevant to us because it can lead to more frequent and intense natural disasters, such as hurricanes and wildfires, along with rising sea levels that can threaten coastal communities. Additionally, it can impact our health by exacerbating air pollution and increasing the spread of diseases. Taking action to address global warming is crucial to safeguarding the future of our planet and ensuring a sustainable environment for future generations.

Related questions

Will switching to electric cars stop global warming?

No, the only way to stop global warming is if the big corporations release less carbon emissions. Electric cars run on electricity, most of which is generated by burning fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas). Fossil fuels are the main cause of global warming. City air is cleaner if we use electric cars, but the carbon dioxide emissions are rising from the power stations. When our electricity is generated from renewable sources (solar, wind, water, biofuels etc) or from nuclear energy, then the rate of global warming will slow and eventually stop.

Environmental factors between electric cars and petrol cars?

Internal combustion engines constantly pump out CO2 into the atmosphere and are one of the main leaders in global warming while Electric Cars have Zero Emissions.

Are hybrid cars causing global warming?

No, hybrid cars were designed to use less fossil fuel, thus slowing global warming.

What else is bad about cars?

it is contributing to global warming.

How do cars affect the temperature?

Global warming/ the fuel

Impact of cars on society?


What are other efforts to help prevent global warming?

You can use electric and solar powered cars instead of gasoline cars;but if you do use a gasoline car, carpool often to use less gas.

Why Ban Cars?

We should ban cars because, it causes Global Warming because of the fumes.

Does an increased use of solar powered cars contribute to global warming?

No, this would have the opposite effect. It would reduce the rate of global warming. Most vehicles run on oil, the burning of which releases greenhouse gases and causes global warming. Solar powered cars have no harmful emissions.

Are electric cars accelerating global warming?

This depends upon how the electricity is generated. Electric cars powered by electricity from coal fired power plants reduce local CO2 emissions, but increase them overall. Cars powered by wind, solar, nuclear, or hydrological power emit very little CO2.

Why is global warming starting?

Because of cars cutting down trees and people:(

If all cars were hybrids what would be the environmental impact?

less polution, no global warming