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your THC level will not rise due to the fact that as soon as the THC has activated the appropriate recepters it is broken down into various metabolites (meaning THC is never stored in your body). however i know what your asking and the answer is yes, if you have smoked recently or are an avid smoker the amount of metabolites will increase if you work out the day of a urine analysis

a methoed that many people use to get around this is by ingesting dangerous amounts of niancin (most likely purchased from GNC) which effectivly halts the breakdown of fatty tissues for a set amount of time. using this methoed in combination with flushing out your system and ingesting vitamin B12 (high amounts) and creatine (to prevent the test from being disqualified due to inadiquete nitrate levels)can fool many urine tests. however this will not work for blood and hair tests.

this is for informational purposes only. i can not be held responsible if you decide to follow through with such a methoed.

honestl man you may enjoy smoking now, but in the long run it almost always effects everyones life in a negative way

bad grades

cant get a job because you can't pass the urine screening

changes in brain chemistry: leading to things such as psycosis, depression, etc. etc.

Please consider all these things!


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Q: Will exercising make the THC levels in your urine increase?
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