

Will fat cows breed well

Updated: 9/24/2023
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9y ago

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A truly fat cow (and not one with just a round belly) often is considered one that will not breed well due to the fat deposits causing fertility issues.

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Q: Will fat cows breed well
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Are fat cows used for the meat?

"Fat cows are used for meat. In fact, fat cows will bring a premium price at market because of the high density and quality of marbeling of the meat that is obtained from fat cows. Lean cows produce tough meat that is lacking in fat, and fat cows are much preferred."

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big fat cows so dont eat it.... pour cows

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Are fat cows healthy?

What most consider to be "fat" on a cow--being a large, rotund belly--is in fact not being fat at all. When a cow has a round abdomen and is eating, behaving and eliminating wastes normally, then that "fat" cow is indeed healthy. But, there still can be truly fat cows, and those cows are those that have fat deposits over their ribs, pelvic areas and deposits in the brisket (part in front of the chest with loose skin) and rump. Fat cows are those cows that have so much fat that ribs cannot be felt and the pelvic area is not seen, and such cows are not exactly what us humans would consider healthy cows. Obese cows can have problems with lactation and reproduction (including infertility and difficulty in birthing), which would compromise their own well being.

Do they breed cows for beef?

Cows are bred to produce calves which are often sent to be "made into" beef. So in a nutshell, the answer to your question may very well be "yes."

Do cows have a lot of milk?

Depends on what breed you are referring to. Dairy cows give a lot of milk; beef cows don't.

Why are some cows brown?

because of their breed. or the type of breed they are.

Can only female cows be fully white?

No, because it depends on the breed. For instance, the Holstein breed, which is primarily a dairy breed, has both males (bulls and steers) and females (cows and heifers) that are black-and-white. Check out the related question below for a list of breeds that also come in black-and-white.

Why do cows not have eyelashes?

Cows do indeed have eyelashes, as do many animals. Camels, horses, and ostriches are all animals that have eyelashes as well.

Cany you breed sheep on Farmville?

no you cannot breed sheep. you can breed cows or horses, but not sheep.

What do dairy cows look like generally?

Dairy cows are typically thinner cows, more angular in bod structure with large pendulous udders. They do not get as fat or muscular as beef cows do, and are very often more feminine-looking. Color varies according to breed, but the most common dairy cow you will see is the black-and-white cows called Holsteins.