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Not if it is applied properly to the mother. Young pups, especially those still weaning from the mother, should NEVER be given flea/tick treatments. Always read the instructions on the package before applying to any dog.

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16y ago

It can hurt her puppies. So do not put it on her anymore until she gives birth.

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There are some flea shampoos that are safe. You have to check the label to see what ones can be used.

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What is the best shampoo or powder for dog flea treatment?

I would not use powder. Any flea shampoo is fine, also you could use a flea collar.

Can you use kids shampoo for a dog?

You can use people shampoo on dogs but if your dog has a lot of fleas I recommend you use flea shampoo that can be purchased at your local pet store. For skin conditions like mange, visit a vet for a special shampoo.

What can you use on a dog if you don't have flea and tick shampoo?

You can use any form of shampoo or liquid soap; even dishwashing liquid will work. Your dog will never know! They can't read the labels.

What to do when the chick are itchy?

You can bathe them in dog flea shampoo or dust their undersides with Sevin (the kind you use in the garden).

How do you make sure there are no fleas on your dog?

use a flea comb to get rid of fleas on you dog. If you want also you can use dog shampoo ang get rid of fleas that way.

Does flea and tick shampoo work on people?

You SHOULD NOT use dog flea and tick shampoo on yourself as it can give you severe headaches dizziness nausea for up to 3 days after use. It can also mess with your breathing as well if you are asthmatic. try dawn soap and HUMAN bug repellent.

Does flea and tick dog shampoo expire?

Yes, Flea shampoo does expire. The expiary date is usually on the neck of the shampoo bottle, if it isn't there look on the bottom of the bottle Hope this helped =]

Is Denorex shampoo ok to use on a dog?

It might be okay but somethings can be harmful to the dogs skin and hair. I would recommend giving it flea and tick shampoo. Also oatmeal shampoo is very good for their coat.

Can you use a flea shampoo on your dog after using front line one week ago?

yes, but why would you want to, frountline is a flea controle and what you need to do is treat your house and all the places your dog sleeps to kill the newley emerging fleas. i use a spot on flea treatment on all my animals and treat the house every year, ive not had a flea problem in over 20 years

Can you use a flea collar while using frontline on your dogs?

Frontline by itself should be sufficient to deal with your cat or dog's flea problem. Using a flea bath will reduce the effectiveness of the Frontline (you should only wash your dog with a gentle shampoo to maintain Frontline's protection).

Can you use flea shampoo on your cat if he has sores?

No take him to the vet its ringworm.

I have a dog who has fleas I tried using flea collars flea spray and flea shampoo but nothing worked I need help on what I should use?

Use a product from the vet, they are typically safer and more effective than over the counter treatments. Use it regularly for at least 3 months. Treat your house/carpet, furniture etc.