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Bees are LESS activate at night, but not completely inactive. They can still be aroused by a disturbance to the hive. To have them removed safely, call your local pest control, or game and wildlife preservation office.

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Q: Will ground bees attack at night?
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What kind of bee comes out at night and stings or bites you?

It is very rare for a bee to be out at night. If you get stung at night by a bee it most likely will be because you have accidentally disturbed a hive. Bees live both above ground (such as honey bees) and below ground (such as bumble bees).

Do carpenter bees attack bumble bees?

Carpenter Bees do not attack bumble bees.

Are ground bees black and orange?

No, ground bees are yellow and black and about the same size as honey bees

What types of bees attack if you upset them?

Most bees will attack in defence of their home, but in general, if you don't hassle the bees, they won't hassle you.

Are bees dormant and wont attack in cold weather?

Bees are semi-dormant in winter and are less likely to attack.

What attracts ground nesting bees?

hornets ---------- there are a number of bees that nest in the ground..digger bees are solitary bees that will nest in large numbers at time, creating holes along the arid areas honeybees will nest in old ground burrows...wasps like yellow jackets will nest in the ground..a large wasp called a cicada killer is a solitary wasp that also nests in the ground Lar

Where do bumble bees go at night?

Some tropical bees can and the European hornets fly at night.

Are bumble bees and carpenter bees the same?

No. Different species. Carpenter Bees make a hole for their nest in soft wood. Bumble Bees either nest on the ground, or in a tunnel nest in the ground.

What bees make many big holes in ground are mostly black abdomen and yellow fur?

ground bees

Do bubble bees fly or move at night?

No, but bumble bees do.

Do bees swarm and settle on the ground?

yes many many bees

Why do bees not sting the birds when they attack the beehive?

Bees will sting birds when their beehive is under attack. However, birds tend to be quicker at consuming the insects before the bee can attack.