

Will hermit crabs eat fruit

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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Yes. Hermit crabs love fruits, vegetables, and other snacks like unsalted crackers.

Just don't give your hermit crabs any citrus fruits.

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Hermit Crabs like fruit ( No citrus fruit), palm tree bark, and my hermit crabs love Zoo Meds Hermit Crab food.Don't get the dried up shrimp for them, they won't eat it.

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Hermit crabs normaly eat fruit and dead fish.Eels eat plankton.

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yes they will but certain tipes of fruit though.

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land hermit crabs eat dried fruit,tree bark,dried ground marigold pettles.some people just give you hermit crab food

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I have hermit crabs and they will eat about any fruit if you mash it up. (blueberries and stuff that doesn't really have seeds.)

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What is a hermit crab and what do they eat?

Hermit crabs are scavengers so in the wild they will climb trees to eat insects and will eat fallen fruit from trees. in captivity you should have a food bowl and change the food once a day. the food you should be fruit and veggies.

Do hermit crabs eat apple sauce?

No, its a human food, and is toxic to hermies, they can eat any fruit or veggie, but it has to be just the fruit its self.

What do baby hermit crabs eat?

Baby hermit crabs will feed on plankton until they have grown enough to resemble a hermit crab, when they will start to feed on a normal hermit crab diet.

What fruit and veggies can hermit crabs not have?

Hermit crabs can have pretty much any kind of fruit for vegetable except for anything with citrus

Would hermit crabs eat lettuce?

yes hermit crabs would eat lettace