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there is limited coverage for collapse - it would depend on the root cause of the collapse

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Q: Will homeowners insurance cover if beam on weight bearing wall collapses?
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Does homeowners insurance cover broken faucet?

No. A broken faucet sounds like a maintenance or a manufacturer issue and not an insurance problem. Insurance covers events that happen due to a covered cause such as : fire, theft, lightning, windstorm, weight of ice or snow, and many others. The covered item happen in a sudden and accidental manner for them to be covered as well. At no time does a homeowners policy cover maintenance problems. This is not what a homeowners policy was designed to do.

What are the divisions of human skeleton?

weight bearing and none weight bearing

What does broad coverage homeowners insurance cover?

According to, it covers these things in addition to basic homeowners' insurance: "falling objects, weight of snow, sleet and ice, damage to water heating systems, volcanic eruption, damage from plumbing or appliances, freezing of plumbing or appliances and damage from artificially generated currents".

What happens when a star can't hold it's weight?

The core collapses

What kinds of natural disaster are covered with most homeowners insurance?

Fire / Lightning/Windstorms / Hail/Freezing of Plumbing / Pipes/Damage from Weight of Ice are usually covered in most homeowners insurance policy's. But you should check your policy and it will tell you WHAT IS NOT COVERED and then you could see if you want to add something that might be a problem in your area,like a disaster that might be in your area.

Is the femur weight bearing?

The fibula does not bear weight, but several muscles originate from it. The fibula, is the thinner bone in the lower leg, not made for weight bearing, however the tibia is made for weight bearing, which is the larger bone in the lower leg.

Aircraft Floor bearing weight?

Floor bearing weight: 140 lbs to 200 lbs. per sq. ft.

Has anyone had a pool collapse from the weight of snow-how do you get your insurance to cover it?

If your pool collapses due to the weight of snow, you should contact your insurance provider immediately to file a claim. Make sure to provide documentation such as photos of the damage and any necessary repair estimates. Your insurance policy may cover the damage depending on the terms of your policy and the cause of the collapse.

Is the fibula non weight bearing?

The fibula does not bear weight, but several muscles originate from it. The fibula, is the thinner bone in the lower leg, not made for weight bearing, however the tibia is made for weight bearing, which is the larger bone in the lower leg.

Which forearm bone takes on majority of the pressure with weight bearing?

The radius is the forearm bone that takes on the majority of the pressure when weight bearing. It is larger and more robust compared to the ulna, which means it is designed to withstand the forces exerted during activities like weight bearing or carrying heavy objects.

What is the abbreviation for non weight bearing?


Weight-bearing bone of the leg?
