

Will humans change there ways

Updated: 9/18/2023
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Q: Will humans change there ways
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Humans change the abiotic factors in their habitat in various ways. Building structures and tilling the soil are the most common ways.

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There are actually many ways that humans can cause change in the ecosystem. One is negative by cutting down trees.

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How did humans change the environment in ways that are helpful to humans but harmful to animals?

We build houses. its as simple as that we build buildings on their terrotory and that of course is helpfil to us but harmful to them.

How does the ecosystem change?

They can change in many ways, I.E humans chopping down all the rain Forrest. If humans change the ecosystem then 95% of the time they don't come back, but in cases like the Krakatoa eruption in 1918, the whole island was wiped out, now it is back again. Hope I helped, 2000AD

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Humans affect the biosphere in numerous ways. One of the most common ways in which humans impact the biosphere is by their extraction of Natural Resources. Growth and expansion is another way in which humans affect the biosphere.

How does the change of Earth surface effect human?

Change of the earth surface effects humans in a few ways. When breathing this give a chance of plants to give o2 to us and if littering it pollutes the earth.

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It is the ability for humans to change and create new ways of being. for example creating the internet to allow faster transmission of information

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Nitrogen help humans in diffrent ways