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Methadone will block any effect that the Oxycontin would give. First of, the RX you are referring to is Oxycontin NOT Oxycontin as refered above. As a RN and nurse anesthetist for 25 years I can tell you with 100% accuracy that the combination of these 2 powerful narcotics will lead to respiratory arrest and death UNLESS you are being treated medically for breakthrough pain-e.g. end stage cancer. Also, as law student I find it offensive that non-medically trained people are giving out information that can KILL. When you take Methadone and Oxycontin which is time released oxycodone by the way will land you on the Coroner's table. Methadone is a full agonsit synthetic narcotic and it does NOT block ANY opiates it potentiates or increases the effects of both drugs and leads to DEATH. Whatever imbecile wrote this has no business giving medical advise especially regarding powerful narcotics. NEVER EVER combine these 2 drugs unless you have cancer with high pain tolerance and under medical supervision or the end result is DEATH period. Suboxone and Narcan block Oxycontin, methadone and ALL opiates. This person got it totally backwards and hopefully did not harm anyone due to this most ignorant reckless advice that could lead to lawsuit. In the future please use medical professionals to answer these questions. If someone took this advice they could be dead by now...unbelievable.


P. Anthony Parks RN-Legal Nurse Consultant

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Yes, it can make you extremely sleepy. It can also make you extremely dead. Both are powerful opiate painkillers and should NEVER be taken together unless your doctor tells you to do this.

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Q: What happens when you take methadone and Oxycontin at the same time?
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Does Oxycontin show up separately than methadone in a drug test i have methadone script but need to take old script of Oxycontin for pain and don't want to test pos for it?

YES Oxycontin shows up as opiates on a drug test and methadone shows up as methadone. Methadone is a synthetic opiate that is why it shows up different than Oxycontin.

Do doctors give people methadone that are addicted to tylox or Oxycontin?

Methadone is used to treat people who are addicted to opiates such as oxycontin. Many people enter treatment facilities and take methadone to help themselves to get off the opiates and eventually detox from the methadone.

Why cant i feel my Oxycontin after being on methadone?

Methadone blocks the effects of Oxycontin and other opiates. Why are you on Methadone and Oxycontin in the first place? And how much of each? Then you will have a more accurate answer than the above. Well I might not be around to get your answer to my question so here it is: Methadone is NOT an antagonist acting substance nor even a partial antagonist like SUBUXONE (buprenorphine). Methadone is used as replacement therapy for opiate addicts. It is typically more manageable and longer acting than other opiates. If you are on both at the same time then you are feeling both of their effects and may have a higher tolerance now (which if you are not on methadone for opiate replacement, then you should talk to your doctor because you are on a quick and horrific road of opiate abuse if this is the case). If you were on Methadone and then switched to Oxycontin, it may be the case that your methadone dosage was stronger than the Oxycontin dosage you took and therefore you now have a higher tolerance.

How do you use Oxycontin to withdrawal from methadone?

You Don't. You are simply trading one opiate for another. Also, that would be incredibly pointless. There is a reason Drug programs offer METHADONE to get off of opiates and NOT oxycontin. That reason is simple, 1. Methadone lasts much longer than OxyContin and has much less euphoric effects, which helps people function better. 2, Methadone is MUCH cheaper than OxyContin and much more accessible, like at clinics. It makes absolutely no sense to take something even more powerful than the substance you are trying to withdrawal from (meaning OxyContin is much stronger in its euphoric effect). The best thing to do to withdrawal from methadone would be to taper off slowly like they do it at methadone clinics. But if you are switching drugs for pain management (going from methadone to Oxycontin), you will not really experience withdrawal symptoms. You will just feel slightly uncomfortable at first as your body makes the adjustment.

What happens if the baby accidentally eats a methadone pill?

take baby to ER immediately! how the heck does the baby get a methadone pill??

Is buprenorphine the same as morphine?

It all depends on what exactly your allergic to. If you are allergic to all opiates, than NO, you cannot take methadone, but if you are allergic to a certain chemical in morphine than you can take methadone because it is a different type of opiate and it is synthetic. But I would consult your physician before taking another opiate like methadone if you are allergic to morphine. But for example, my friend was allergic to "Percocet" because of the acetaminophen that is mixed in with the pill, but he was able to take oxycontin, which is the same drug as is used in percocet, because the acetaminophen was absent.

Does liquid methadone show up the same on a urine test as pill form?

YES! If you take methadone pill or liquid, It will show up as methadone in your urine drug test or in a blood drug test. Its still methadone either way you take it.

What is stronger Oxycontin or oxycodone?

Oxycontin and Oxycodone are the same thing. Oxycontin is made from Oxycodone. Oxycontin is time released so it continuously release the medicine and oxycodone is not time released. It depends on how much of each you take. Say if you take a 40 MG Oxycontin pill and and 4 Oxycodone 10/325, you feel the effects of the 4 oxycodone pills because the Oxycontin time released but they are the same thing. Whichever one you take more MG of will be stronger.

Can you take an Oxycontin in same day you take a morphine?

Not unless you purposly want to get high.

Is it safe to take a 10mg methadone and a 10mg vicodin in the same day?

If 10mg methadone is an ok dose for you, then go for it my friend (:

How many mg of methadone should you take to make oxycodone withdrawls go awayi take about 80 mg of oxy a day?

I have been an opiate addict for about 3 years. However, I started MMT (Methadone Maintence Theropy) about 6 months ago and have been off off opiates since then. Like your question, my main drug of choice was Oxycontin. I took 40-150mg of Oxycontin a day.. or morphine, vicodin, or fentanyl when I couldn't get Oxycontin. I was started on 40mg a day of methadone, then went to 65, then 85, then i was at 100, then 120, and now i am finally on 135. I take 135mg of methadone a day and it seems to help my withdrawl symptoms of oxycodone and other opiates. Just go to a methadone clinic, most clinics will take patients who have been addicts for over a year, and explain your problem to them. They will be very helpful and the doctor at the clinic will prescribe you what he feels is the appropiate dose, and if that dose starts to not be enough, meet with the doctor again and he will most likely up your dose.

If you are on methadone what can you take for anxiey?

Don't take methadone in combination with Valium as this will increase the effects of methadone and can lead to an overdose.