

Will marijuana still be in your system after 2weeks?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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10y ago

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If you smoke 1 time only, the THC will stay in your urine for 5-8 days.

2-4 times per month = 11-18 days in urine.

2-4 times per week = 23-35 days in urine.

5-6 times per week = 33-48 days in urine.

Daily usage = 49-90 days in urine.

The process can be sped up if you drink alot of fluids everyday.

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Q: Will marijuana still be in your system after 2weeks?
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You have not smoked marijuana since march and its may now why is it still in your system?

it stays in your hair folicals for over 2 years idk why really but that's why its still in your system

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Yes, as long as you had it in your mouth.

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its just like as if you smoked it the THC is absorbed into your blood stream in you stomach and is left in your fatty tissue. So depending on your matablism, anytime between 2weeks to 1 month.

I had 2 brownies laced with marijuana about 3 weeks ago is it still in my system?

It depends on how active you are and how much water you drink. It could be out by now, but marijuana can stay in your system for a month or so. I would say you are good by now.

If i break down marijuana with my hands how long will it be in my system?

noo matter how ou do it it wwill still take about a month

Can you get THC in your system just by smelling a bag of marijuana?

No, you do not get THC in your system by smelling a bag of marijuana.

What are way to take marijuana in your system?

pictures of marijuana in a capsule form

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Will THC show up in your system if you had not smoked marijuana?

THC shows up in your system no matter how you ingest marijuana.