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Q: Will masterbaton help an enlarged prostate?
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Does internal prostate message help enlarged prostate?

Yes, it is a kind of prostate shrinking method.

What is the medical term meaning blood test for enlarged prostate?

The PSA (prostate specific antigen) is a test that is done to help diagnose the cause of an enlarged prostate. The blood test can't tell you the size of the prostate per se.

How can one reduce the size of an enlarged prostate in an adult dog?

Have you taken him to a vet. and is that how you found out that he has an enlarged prostate? This is important to know, because the Vet should've given him some meds. to help with what can be a very painful and (for the dog) confusing issue. If he hasn't been to the Vet yet, how do you know that he has an enlarged prostate.

How effective is saw palmetto in treating prostate conditions?

Yes, studies show that saw palmetto does help treat prostate conditions, including enlarged prostate, benign prostate hyperplasia, and BPH. In several studies of patients who used saw palmetto had an improvement in symptoms of enlarged prostate. It is also known to help reduce frequent urination, and helps urinary flow.

How common is enlarged prostate?

About 10% of all men eventually will require treatment for an enlarged prostate

What prevents enlarged prostate?

Whether or not enlarged prostate is caused by hormonal changes in aging men, there is no known way of preventing it

Can enlarged prostate cause very low testosterone?

The enlarged prostate wouldnt regulate the testosterone production in either direction.

What causes a mildly enlarged and mildly heterogeneous prostate?

cancer prostate

Can a enlarged prostate cause difficulty using the bathroom?

Enlarged prostate causes annoying trips to the bathroom due to leaking, or dribbling.

What is the effect of an enlarged prostate on incontinence?

In men, an enlarged prostate gland can obstruct the bladder, causing overflow incontinence.

How can have a full erection while having enlarged prostate gland?

Prostate enlargement by itself does not effect the ability to get an erection. Prostate enlargement can lead to painful ejaculation, which can impact the ability of a male to achieve a full erection. If sex or masturbation prevents a full erection, due to enlarged prostate, you can use a penis pump to help achieve an erection.

Is mastubration cause of enlarge prostate?

No , masturbation is not good for enlarged prostate , it will bring more irritation to the prostate gland and it will make more bacteria to enter this organ , when a man has gained this disease , they should seek help from the doc and use the drugs to cure it and make it to become the normal size . The diuretic and anti-inflammatory pill is a kind of herb that enlarged prostate suffers can use . I think the enlarged prostate suffers should also avoid having sex .