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Probably not; many stressers can cause another outbreak.

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Q: Will my herpes outbreak stop after my body gets used to taking St. Johns Wort.?
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What is Saint John's wort good for?

You use saint Johns wort to help balance your mood

Can you take st johns wort and not take 5-HTP for good resultsSome articles suggest taking them both. But i would like to only take st johns wort and not 5-HTP. will i see improvements taking it alone?

AnswerOf course you can take St Johns Wort alone, and you will still see some improvements. 5-HTP is a naturally occurring amino acid and would help to intensify the results of the St Johns, but is not compulsory. Try out the St Johns and see how effective it is. If you do not see any effects - then you may want to add 5-HTP. As with all herbs, results very dramatically from person to person.

Are there any interactions between St. John's wort and zopiclone?

an you take st johns wort with zopoclone

Is it safe to mix st johns wart with morphine?

is it safe to take st johns wort with morphine

What are some nonprescription antidepressants?

St. Johns Wort. Google it for some info on it, that's what i did. I couldn't really tell you if it works because I just started taking it two days ago, but I am hoping. I can say that I have been feeling calm. Also I started taking 5-htp. You can Google it for info also. Good luck.

St johns wort. What is it's colour?

St. John's wort is a plant having green leaves and yellow flowers.

St johns wort and birth control pill?

Probably not a good idea. St. Johns Wort can decrease the effectiveness of the pill, if you need that medication, take it, but use a back- up method meanwhile

How does st johns wort interact with asthma inhalants?

St. John's wort can reduce the effectiveness of theophylline, a medication used for asthma.

Can you mix st johns wort and methotrexate?

Good question one Ive asked myself because ive recently started using SAM-e and st johns wort, I take st johns wort at night to help me sleep along with chiniese herbs, But lately I just havent been myself , Its possible that mixing them isnt a good idea.

What illness is st johns wort used for?

Generally it is used to help depression.

What colours are the flowers in the st johns wort?

if you care you are a loser but the anser is extrolas