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Q: Will normal detergent ruin your HE washer?
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Can you use regular detergent in a high efficient washer?

Nope itll ruin the washer!! And itll start to smoke....happened to me and i had to buy a brand new washer :(

Can you use regular laundry detergent in a high efficiency front load washer?

You can, but you would have to use it very sparingly - perhaps 1/2 of normal amount. HE washers work best with HE detergent - conventional detergent sudses much too heavily.

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What if I use high efficiency laundry detergent in a regular washer?

HE laundry detergent is formulated to produce fewer suds similar to automatic dish washer detergent. Supposedly, it is fine to use in a regular washer, and you would use the same quantity as you would in an HE machine (using the recommended amount of detergent as indicated on the product packaging).For more information, see related link below.Clarification:If you do use a HE (High Effenciency) laundry detergent in a regular washer (non high effenciency), you may need to use a bit more than you would in a HE washer, since regular washers use more water, therefore diluting the detergent/water ratio.What you cannot do, however, is use regular detergent in a HE washer.

Can you wash Faux Sheepskin Blanket in the washer?

no it will ruin it!

Can you use surf powder detergent in a high efficiency washer?

The only type of detergent you should use in a HE washer is one that specifically states it's for HE washers on the label. Otherwise, you can end up with such a large excess of suds in the washer that it flows over the sides of the washer, not only making a mess, but possibly damaging the washer, as well.

What do you need for your laundry room?

Soap, water, detergent, Hamper, and a washer

How do you clean mouthwash from a mattress cover?

Put it in the washer, add detergent, and run it.

Can you use old not high efficiency detergent in a new high efficiency washer?

No, it will over sud and create a mess in the washer! Don't do it!

What is the detergent injector ratio for a sears pressure washer?

The detergent injector ratio for a Sears pressure washer varies, according to the type of brand. The ratio of some pressure washers is 12 to 1 while others are 7 to 1.

Can you use Woolite in your high efficiency washer?

In a word, No! It will suds too much and damage your water pump. Get the Woolite HE detergent made for your new washer.

Can I wash my baby's bedding with normal detergent?

It isn't advised to wash baby bedding with normal detergent. You should use a fragrance-free type of detergent such as Dreft to minimize skin irritation.