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kayla vivica and ja'ziyah

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Q: Will not work shall not eat said John Smith to the settlers of?
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Who said He that will not work shall no eat?

Captain John Smith

What things did John Smith do?

Captain John Smith said, "If you don't work, you don't eat." So if the settlers wanted to survive they had to work.

Who said you must obey this now-for a law-that he who will not work shall not eat.?

John Smith.

Why did john smith say that shall not work shall not eat?

John Smith believed in the principle of "If any would not work, neither should he eat" as a way to instill a sense of responsibility and communal effort among the settlers in Jamestown. He wanted to ensure that everyone contributed to the collective well-being of the colony by working and not relying solely on others for their sustenance.

How did john smith get the settlers to work?

He said u don't work u don't eat

How did John Smith get settlers to work?

He said u don't work u don't eat

Who said you shall write so boldly that the king shall read without his glasses'?

john hanncock

John Rolfe and John Smith were associated with the colony of?

founded Connecticut

What policy did john smith institute in Jamestown?

Captain John Smith said that each healthy person, whether laborer or gentlemen, shall (must) gather (find or get) as much food to eat as he (Captain John Smith) did each day or be banished (sent away). The order did not pertain to the sick. The sick did not have to gather food and were provided food. This policy is sometimes called his no work, no eat policy.

Who said who don't work don't eat?

John Smith

Who said I shall sign so boldly the King shall read it without his glasses'?

John Hancock on the signing of the Declaration of Independence.

What patriot said we shall have a long and bloody war to go through?

John Adams