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Q: Will oil in fossil fuels run out first?
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What are fossil fuels and which one will run out first?

Fossil fuels are organic materials used for burning to produce energy. It is false that oil is the fossil fuel that will run out first. It is believed that coal will be the first fossil fuel to run out.

Will fossil fuels never run out?

fossil fuels will run out in: 50 years for oil 250 for nuclear and coal will run out in 80 years...

Do phones use fossil fuels?

Yes, fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) are used to produce the electricity to run and manufacture all kinds of phones.

Are fossil fuels limited?

Yes, fossil fuels are limited. A highly controversial debate is what the world will do once fossil fuels run out.

What statement about fossils fuels is not true?

Fossil fuels are clean burning and will not be bad for the environment. We will never run out of fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are good for our health. These are a few that are not true about fossil fuels.

What is a sentence with the word fossil fuels?

Eventually, fossil fuels will run out.Fossil fuels cause a lot of pollution.

What do cars run on?

Cars run on fossil fuels, gasoline, vegetable oil, and electricity.

How does the term fossil fuels get its name?

fuels are what we run off of

Can fossil fuels run out?

Yes it can

Are fossil fuels sustainable?

I will rephrase your question- Is the supply of fossil fuels sustainable? The answer is no. In the long run, we will have less and less fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are referred to as non-renewable fuels, which are taken from the earth's resources and used.

Why fossil fuels are regarded as infinite resource?

Fossil fuels are not regarded as an infinite resource. They are finite. Oil wells get used up and run dry. In the very long term, it is possible that new deposits of fossil fuel will be created by the same process that created the existing deposits, however, that takes millions of years, which means that for our purposes, fossil fuels will run out.

Can fossil fuels can be used for vans?

Yes, vans can run on various kinds of fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas). There are vans powered by petroleum, diesel as well as natural gas (methane).