

Will opana pass a urine test screening for oxycodone?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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11y ago

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opana is a synthetic opiate completely different than oxycodone and will not show up. I know from the experience of being urine tested right after taking opana and nothing showed up.

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Q: Will opana pass a urine test screening for oxycodone?
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Oxymorphone(Opana) is metabolized in the liver to 6-hydroxyoxymorphone and oxymorphone-3-glucuronide. Oxycodone is metabolized to α and β oxycodol; oxymorphone, then α and β oxymorphol and noroxymorphone; and noroxycodone, then α and β noroxycodol and noroxymorphone (N-desmethyloxycodone).[2] (14-Hydroxydihydrocodeine that in turn becomes 14-Hydroxydihydromorphine) As you can see both drugs metabolize into many different variations. When it comes down to an ordinary drug test, all these variations can be tested for and distuinguished from eachother, but the test results itself may just show positive for Opiates, or it may display the metabolites as well, indicating both Oxymorphone and Oxycodone use.

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why would you want a positvie result your suppose to pass the drug test man not fail it gt negative dont put no oxycodone in the piss

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you know i bet you could. oxycodone is metabolized to oxymorphone so at least some would show.Edited:You cannot pass.Oxymorhone is a metabolite of Oxycodone. But the reverse is not true. Meaning, if you were trying to pass a test for Oxycodone and you were taking Opana (Oxymorphone), you COULD pass because Oxycodone breaks DOWN into Oxymorphone. But Oxymorphone does not metabolize into Oxycodone. Assuming the physician, employer or whoever is giving your test decides to use a test that will break down exactly what kind of pain medication was used, they're going to see that there is Oxycodone AND Oxymorphone in your system.\What you are saying makes little since. Both drugs in the end are oxymorhone so weather you are taking oxycodone or opana they will both show up the same. If a GC test was performed($850.00) a really good tech may be able to tell the difference but in most cases it would be inconclusive. I am a MD .

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I assume you are talking about a long-acting oxycodone tablet such as Oxycontin. Short-acting forms of the drug are not prescribed in that kind of dose. And it is highly unlikely you would pass said urine screen. Long-acting oxycodone stays in therapeutic concentrations in blood plasma for a full 12 hours AT LEAST. Depending on your personal metabolic rate for opiates you might not feel it working that long, but it is in there. That means your body should be excreting opiate metabolites for the following 72 hours after one dose of a drug like oxycontin. If you have a drug screen coming up and you really want to pass it: don't take the oxy.