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Yes, if by "change" you mean "cease entirely because we are all dead."

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Q: Will our lifestyle change without the atmosphere?
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Can water consumption be reduced without a change in lifestyle?

No you have to change your actions to save water.

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Jobs can actually break or maintain your lifestyle. Break it in a sense that when you have a lavish lifestyle but don't have the job to maintain it then you are forced to change your lifestyle. Maintain it, in a sense that with your job, your lifestyle can be just the way it is, without the job, you can't have that lifestyle without the funds for it.

How can the atmosphere change the skies?

how can the atmosphere change the skies

How does climate change your lifestyle?

it cant

Does earth's atmosphere affect weather?

The atmosphere is the reason we HAVE weather. Without an atmosphere, there can be no weather. Example...the Moon.

Could you survive on Earth without the atmosphere?

No, because the atmosphere keeps in all the oxygen. Without the atmosphere the oxygen would escape.

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It doesn't, only realizing your potential will do that, if your goal is indeed to change your lifestyle.

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Change your lifestyle.

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Can you lose weight without dieting?

Even though you may be able to lose weight by using one of those belts (although I wouldn't trust it), you won't be able to sustain weight loss without making a lifestyle change. Although dieting is part of a lifestyle change, if your daughter really wants to lose weight she should begin a fitness regimen and start making better eating choices.

Why did the early atmosphere change?

deu to change of state of environment wheather of that atmosphere, evaporation is high and such bring about rainfall and the cloud of that atmosphere changes.

Can you colonise other planet?

Yes but to make the atmosphere suitable for humans to breathe without spacesuits you would have to change the chemical nature of the atmosphere on that planet, which can take a very long time. In the short term, you could build massive buildings and seal them so that you could walk around inside without a spacesuit but you could never go outside without protection until the atmosphere is safe. Some planets don't have much of an atmosphere so you would always have to wear a protective spacesuit because without an atmosphere you would not be protected from the deadly dangerous rays of the sun. Without an atmosphere to protect you, you would get too much radiation and die.