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Rhus Tox seems to be a homeopathic compound derrived from the plant Rhus toxicodendron-- a plant that I'm pretty sure doesn't exist. The articles call it Poison Ivy, but while that plant is sometimes archaically named as genus Rhus, it's also genus Toxicodendron-- for instance, the Poison Ivy I know and love from hiking is Toxicodendron radicans. T. radicans is rich in urushiol -- a truly nasty irritant toxin related to antigenic response. In other words, dangerous stuff. It's hard for me to believe that Rhus Tox has anything to do with urushiol or T. radicans. The reason I bring all this latin up is that, with so very many homeopathic remedies, it's really hard to know scientifically exactly what you're really getting. Worse, as "herbal" remedies are from live plants, the exact contents vary from season to season and year to year, so you NEVER really know what you're getting, or at what strength. As such, I know of no relationship between urushiol and coumadin, except the itching and toxic effects are pretty awful regardless of drug interactions. As I can't really tell what's in Rhus Tox, there's no way I can say if it's safe or not.

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Is rhus tox effective where allopathically Sulfasalazine is recommended?

Rhus Tox will be effective or not, that will not depend upon Sulfasalazine.

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What is Rhus Tox?

Rhus tox 30C is a Homeopathic remedy. 30 stands for potency (strength) C stands for centisimal

What is the dosage of Rhus Tox 30c for arthritis?

Rhus tox 30C is a Homeopathic remedy. 30 stands for potency (strength) C stands for centisimal

Rhus tox side effects?

Any homoeopathic medicine including rhus tox is not at all dangerous because it has been potentised and if it has been taken under a homoeopathic practitioner's prescription.Poison ivy causes redness, intense itching, burning, blistering and sometimes stiff muscles. Potentised rhus tox (omeopathy medicine) has been used for everything from herpes and burns to eczema and arthritis.

How quickly does rhus tox work?

A: Homeopathic remedies are generally safe for long term use. If you are using Rhus Tox for a chronic condition you may want to consult with a Homeopathic Doctor or Integrative Healthcare practitioner about your condition and if Rhus Tox is the most appropriate remedy for your condition.

Is rhus tox used only in rainy season?


What is the homeopathic medicine for body pain?

Rhus Tox, China

What are the sports injuries for which Rhus Tox Is useful?

knee injuries

What are the side effects of Rhus Tox 200c?

No side effects

How do you use rhus tox pills in homeopathy?

Rhus tox is a polycrest medicine . It can't be prescribed properly on a singal symptom . Most medicines are prescribed ob basis of totality of symptoms .

What happens to the person who takes Rhus tox and is allergic to poison ivy?

One of the principles of Homeopathy is "Like cures Like". Potentised Rhus Tox will help in overcoming poison ivy allergy.