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Q: Will rubbing a metal rod and silk produce an electrostatic charge?
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Can electricity moves?

Yes. Electromagnets move solid metal objects. Electrostatic charge moves solid objects in electrostatic scrubbers.etc. F= ma = eE where E is the electric field and e the charge. acceleration a = eE/m.

Can electricity move object?

Yes. Electromagnets move solid metal objects. Electrostatic charge moves solid objects in electrostatic scrubbers.etc. F= ma = eE where E is the electric field and e the charge. acceleration a = eE/m.

When an object is charged by rubbing how to identify whether the charge of the object is positive or negative?

by its properties.i.e whether a metal or any insulator

If a metal loses electrons to a non metal during a chemical reaction the metal and non metal become ions What is the charge on the different ions and why are the ions held together?

The charge on each of the ions formed depends on the specific elements involved. The ions are then held together by the electrostatic attraction between the opposite charges (positive and negative) (called an ionic bond).

Does rubbing metal on metal cause alzheimer's?

No, rubbing metal on metal does not cause Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimer's is a complex neurodegenerative disorder that is influenced by a combination of genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors. While certain metals like aluminum have been studied in relation to Alzheimer's, their role as a causative factor is still under investigation and not definitively proven.

Why is it difficult to put a charge on a metal rob by rubbing it with wool?

Since metal is a conductor the electrons easily transfer throughout the entire object therefore the temporary charge put on one part by the wool will discharge by traveling through the rod to your hand, thus grounding it.

What is the force of attraction between a positive charged metal ion and the electrons in a metal?

electrostatic force

What is the force of attraction between positively charged metal ion and the electron in a metal?

electrostatic force

What is the generator that uses friction to produce a large static charge on a metal dome?


Can you use electrostatic paint over a painted metal surface?

No. The electrostatic process requires a electrical circuit to be made which will not happen on a painted surface.

How a van der graaf generator works?

A Van der Graaf generator is an electrostatic generator which uses a moving belt to accumulate very high amounts of electrical charge on a hollow metal globe to the top of the stand. It is also the name of a metal band.

What holds metal atoms together in a metallic bond?

The positive and negative charge between the sea of electrons and the positivity charged ions keeps the metal lattice together with a very strong metallic bond.