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Q: Will salt increase the chance of having a boy?
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What is the probability that a random couple with three children will have at least two boys?

If we consider there is a 50% chance for having a boy and 50% for having a girl*, there is : - 12,5% chance of having no boys; - 37,5% chance of having 1 boy; - 37,5% chance of having 2 boys; - 12,5% chance of having 3 boys. Therefore, there is 50% chance of having at least two boys. *The odds are more like 51% for having a boy and 49% for having a girl, but it doesn't really matters.

How can you get pregnant with a boy-?

Having sex closer to ovulation could increase your chances of having a boy.

What is the probability of having a girl versus having a boy?

The probability of having a girl versus a boy is 1/2 because there is two things you have a chance of getting and you can only get one or the other.

How can you have a baby boy?

If you for-sure, without question want a baby boy, then adopt one. There are some things that you could do to increase the chance of giving birth to a boy, like your position during sex, and the history of the father's family of having boys. The odds even then, are close to 50-50 . . .

How do you get twin girls on Sims 3?

If you have enough lifetime happiness, you can purchase the reward "fertility treatment" which increases your hance of having twins or triplets, and eating 3 watermellons will increase your chance of having a girl (3 apples if you ever want a boy).

What is the probability of having a baby boy?

The sex of a child is determined by male sperm. There are only two sexes, so there is an equal (50-50) chance of having a boy or girl.

What does it mean when you ask a girl out and she says that she is having boy problems but she is flattered is there any chance?

It means no.

What is the chance of a couple having 4 daughters in a row?

Every time 2 people mate to produce an offspring, there is a 50/50 chance it will either be a boy or a girl. This can be explained using a Punnet Square. XX is a girl and XY is a boy. XX XY XX XY XX XY The chance of a mom having one girl is 50? or 1/2 The chance of her having a second girl is 1 in 4, or 25% The chance of her having 3 girls is 1 in 8, or 12.5% The chance of her having 4 girls in a row is 1 in 16, or 6.25% It is unlikely, but certainly possible.

What is the possibility have a baby boy from test tube?

The possibility of having a baby boy from a test tube is about the same as the possiblity of having a boy through standard birth or about 48 of every 100 test tube babies born. There are methods designed to increase the chances of having a boy, but they are not exact.

Do men have more of a percentage producing females?

having a child, there is a slightly bigger chance of having a boy. this could be a compensation for girls living longer.

If a couple wants to have two children what is the probability that the first will be a girl and the second will be a boy?

Assuming the chances of having a boy and having a girl are equal (50/50), there are 4 possible outcomes from having 2 children. BOY-BOY, or GIRL-GIRL, or BOY-GIRL, or GIRL-BOY. Since each outcome is of equal probability it means there's a 25% chance the first will be a girl and the second will be a boy.

What are the chances of having a girl or boy?

1. The Chances of having a baby boy and a baby girl is 50/50 because the girls have XX Chromosomes and Boys have XY Chromosomes it's a 50% chance that it sprays some liquid to get the Y Chromosomes so either way its 50/50 chance