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Q: Will seafoam help your emmissions problem?
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Why does the emisson light stay on on 2001 Ford Focus?

because you have an emmissions problem

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This information can be found in the owner's manual. There is a problem in the emmissions system.

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Emmissions problem. HAVE THE ENGINE CHECKED!

Will a car run on just seafoam?

no it wont seafoam is an addative not a fuel grade your car must have a much higher ingniting point than seafoam. But seafoam does help and should be used one can ever oil change just add it to the gas tank.

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Local councils can help reduce carbon emmissions by ensuring that..... HOLD ON! Im not doing your Homework mate!

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No pure ethanol produces no CO2 Emmissions but they will produce NOx emmissions

Why would the emmissions indicator light come on in your 2002 Honda Accord?

It is on because there is a problem with the emissions system. Have the ECU scanned with an OBD2 scan tool. The code it retrieves will tell you where to start looking for the problem.

How do you clean electronic fuel injection on a automatic Toyota Camry?

There are multiple cleaners you can purchase in autoparts store. I recommend Seafoam. The only problem is that you will have to change oil soon after adding Seafoam in the tank. So plan cleaning accordingly.

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in the seafoam islands in kantobottom of seafoam island

Why does the Polaris predator 90cc backfire?

I am having the same problem and found that there was a leak in my exaust system. I fixed it and it stopped the backfire. I also heard if you seafoam the gas that it could help. The air idle screw on your carb acts like it does nothing but if you adjust that it can also help reduce the bacfire but not stop it.

When is a car exempt from emmissions?

When it runs on batteries.