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Q: Will someone send me a veru frog in pocket frogs I will trade for glass chroma. My name is jronk?
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Can someone send your frogs on pocket frogs I am level 12 I would prefer glass or chroma my name is splunl?


Can you bread 2 crustalli to get a glass chroma crustalli on pocket frog?

As long as one of the frogs has a glass gene and one has a chroma gene, then yes. Otherwise, breed a crustalli with any other frog with those traits, and it'll be a mix between. it's random at best.

How do you get chroma frogs on pocket frogs?

One way to get the Glass Frog is to breed different frogs in hope of getting one. There is a very small chance that the baby will be one. You can also look for them in the Pond, and breed with them, though they are VERY rare. OR.....Instead just breed two purple carota anuras and you will 100% get one. You can sometimes win one in a race, if your frog comes first, and you choose one of the opponent frogs as your prize.

How many kinds of glass frogs are there?

there is about 12 kinds of glass frogs in the world

How do glass frogs eat?

using their glass mouths.

How much do glass frogs weigh?

its glass. are you stupid?

Do glass frogs swim?


are glass frogs rare?

some glass frogs are endangered because of habitat lose they can be hold as pes but they have to have special care.

What are the predators of the glass frog?

The predators of the glass frog are snakes, birds, crickets, and opossum. Usually, these predators prey on the eggs of glass frogs. Glass frogs are found in rain forests in South America, Mexico, and Central America. These frogs belong to the amphibian family called Centrolenidae.snakes, birds and large mammals.

What ecosystem does a glass frog live in?

Glass frogs live in rainforests.

Is a glass frog warm or cold blooded?

The glass frogs are members of the amphibian family Centrolenidae. All frogs are amphibians, and are cold blooded.

When do glass frogs mate?

Glass Frogs mate after heavy rain, and because they live in rain forests, the climate rarely changes so there really isn't a specific timing.