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Q: Will spray laquer keeping silver from tarnishing?
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Can you spray acrylic on costume jewelry to protect it?

yes , you can. It protects it from tarnishing quickly.

Can you use hair spray to perserve cat tails?

Yes. I prefer to use spray plastic (available at craft stores) but a cheap laquer based hair spray will work very well. Of the brands, I prefer Aquanet for such projects.

How do you fix a clogged spray can?

You can try a new spray tip. If you don't turn the can upside down and spray until you get clear air, it may be clogged in the stem and just have to be thrown away. Or Run warm/ hot water over it for a few moments.

What is silver argent?

silver argent is in spray paint but mostly silver and grey

What is the composition of silver medal?

Plastic with silver spray paint.

Is clear coat the same as laquer?

Yes. I done i job recently with spray cans. Didn't turn out well go to a proper painter if it's for a car otherwise it won't be good enough

How do you get skin off of a deer skull?

With a scraper,,,,In the spring or summer lay out on roof of shed,garage or somewhere that animals won't be able to get to it & the flies will lay eggs>maggots and they will clean everything off but the bones then take and get you some spray (clear) laquer or clear coat and spray. Have done this with nervous skulls and they turn out great. Good luck.

Was an invention for keeping flies off of horses invented yet?

There is - it's called fly spray.

How do you get past the suddowoddo in soul silver?

beat Whitney get the squirtbottle and spray the tree

How can I keep my copper tea pot from tarnishing?

You should first clean the pot by scrubbing it with a mixture of 3 cups lemon juice and 1 cup salt. Use a sponge to rub the mixture on the pot. You should wear gloves because any oils on your skin will tarnish the pot almost instantly. After you rinse the pot in water, apply a spray lacquer on the pot to protect the finish. That will keep it from tarnishing.

How do you make a shufflebot costume?

Get a bunch of boxes and spray paint them silver. Hope this helps!

How do you apply chrome paint on transformer toys?

use chrome silver spray paint!