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Q: Will starvation lead to an increase in body temperature?
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Can a weak monsoon lead to drought and starvation?

A weak monsoon season can lead to drought and starvation. Heavy monsoons increase agricultural output. Monsoons can also cause devastating landslides and floods.

How serious is starvation?

Starvation is VERY serious. It can cause dangerous health side effects and health porblems. It can lead to malnourishment and degenerative conditions to the body. Starvation can, much too often, lead to death, too.

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Can taking 5 ecstasy pills kill you?

Yes, taking large amounts of ecstasy will kill a person by neurotoxicity. It interferes with the body temperature regulation. In some cases it is highly unpredictable ann can lead to a sharp increase in body temperature resulting in liver, kidney, cardiovascular system failure, and death.

If you heated equal masses of basalt and lead which one would record a faster increase in temperature?

my ass

Could animal testing lead to starvation?

its possible

Explain why a high fever is dangerousDiscuss on a molecular level?

A high fever causes an increase in the body temperature, which in turn denatures the proteins found within the cells. Denatured proteins will no longer function and will eventually lead to the breakdown of biochemical processes in an organism.

What is body temperature in degrees Celsius?

It is 37 degree celsius Your body temperature for Celsius is 37 degrees Celsius.

What is the normal phase for the element lead?

the normal phase of silver is the average temperature of the human body. 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit

What is the effect of temperature on transistor?

conductivity of semiconductors increases with increase in temperature as breakdown of covalent bonds take place in the semiconductor due to increase in temp but more & more increase in the temp may result in the breakdown or damage of the semiconductor which results in the decrease in conductivity of semiconductor

An overpopulation problem may lead to?

Fighting, disease,and starvation

What leads to the increase in the rate of a chemical reaction?

Many things lead to an increase in the rate of chemical reactions. These factors include: - Addition of Catalysts - Light (only in some reactions) - Increase in temperature - Increase in Pressure - Increase in amount of reactants