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yes you always have to keep firewall on if you keep it off they wont warn you off viruses and later if you put it on there will be a massive braekout of viruses,trojans,ect

{ only if you download stuff }

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Q: Will taking a firewall off cause a computer to get viruses?
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No, I have been on it for a long time.

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No. Computer viruses are only called "viruses" by figurative analogy with biological viruses. And biological viruses (such as chickenpox, hepatitis, and the flu) are not the same as disease-causing bacteria (such as strep throat, tuberculosis, and lyme disease).

Can viruses cause a lot of damage to a computer?

ofcourse dear viruses damage a computer a lot .... coz there are no ways to damage any computer without any viruses ........ viruses came from unauthentic sites ... so u can use antivirus for protect your computer from can download free trial version from net ..... thanxxx

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Nope, although private servers can.

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