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It might take over him (as an ending climax). But it wont kill him because if Naruto dies the fox dies.

--- well actually he almost take the seal off that will release the it and if he done it the demon fox will take him over, his already in 8 tails formed by that time while fighting with pain.. but the 4th Hokage stop Naruto for taking the seal off and Naruto finally know who is his father and said a lot things.. just read manga for more details..

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Q: Will the demon fox take over naruto's body and kill him?
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Are some people demon possesed?

Yes, some people are, but they will not act as themselves because the demon has full control over they're body.

Can a demon take over your body?

Well from what I know, it takes a lot of energy to even try to get into someones physical body. But for posession to even occur, it usually happens when someone is not even in thier physical body. This is when demons and such try their hardest to get into your body.

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the paranormal can indeed be dangerous especially if it is a demon. a demon is not like a ghost because it is not human in any kind of way. if a demon gets inside you an exorcism can be porformed but it doesn't always work. the demon can take over you and turn you into a murderer and also make you kill yourself too.

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to be possesed by a demon means a evil spirit ( so called demon ) finds a way to get inside your body and takes over and makes you do things you do not want to do and you cant make them stop if you were possesed by a demon you would probly die of malnutrition of dehydration.

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In Malaysian mythology, a Hantu demon is an evil spirit which can possess animals or people. When the demon possesses an animal, it first kills that animals soul, then takes over its body. It has been known to drive people insane. There are many types of Hantu, including the Hantu Ribut, which is a storm demon, and the Hantu Kubor, which is a grave demon.

Can a ghost take over your body?

yes they can. if you do the weegie Bord and come across a demon you could get possessed! so be warned

Why do you have violent trembles in your sleep?

a demon is attempting to possess you. the trembling is your body trying to fight off the intruder. if, one night, you don'ttremble... your body has lost the battle and you have been taken over by a demon. priests no longer do exorcisms though, so there is no way to get rid of it.

What is an exorsism?

Exorcism is an event that in which an evil demon will take over your body and make you say things in the demons voice. While having exorcism, the demon could choke, insult, or even kill you. It is very, very rare to get exorcism, but it doesn't mean you will get it. A famous person who had this exocism, had bad exorcism. Her name was Emily Rose. To get deeper inside exorcism, google or youtube it!

How do you get a demon?

if you play with a Ouija board.actually there are many different ways one can "get a demon" or become possessed. the Ouija board is certainly one way to do so, but is not the only way. another way can be to simply invite the demons to take over your body, or simply be a sinner, that is to be one that has not accepted Jesus Christ as their savior. i do not recommend any one to invite a demon to take them over it is dangerous and stupid, and you will never control the demon/demons you will be controlled and have no power over anything they decide to do or to make you do.

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Yes he can! He has his spirits known as demons who enter into you and control everything you do. I guess this is something that's called 'demon possession' or simply possessed. The person possessed has to be exorcised over to deliver him from the invading demon.