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No, the elf on the shelf will not lose its magic if you pick it up with a spoon. Its magic comes from the belief and imagination of the children, not how it is handled.

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Q: Will the elf on the shelf lose its magic if you pick it up with a spoon?
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What happens if you pick your Elf on the Shelf with tongs?

The Elf on the Shelf is a fun holiday tradition where the elf is believed to lose its magic if touched, so picking it up with tongs would in essence be considered touching it. This action may disrupt the magic of the tradition for children who believe in the magic of the elf.

How do pick up a spoon?

u pick up a spoon with your hands. who doesn't no how 2 pick up a spoon?

What can you use to pick up the Elf on the Shelf without losing its magic?

You can use tongs or special handling gloves to pick up the Elf on the Shelf without losing its magic. Avoid touching the elf with bare hands to preserve its enchantment.

What happens to the elf on the shelf if you pick it up?

Once you touch the elf on the shelf, it loses its "magic" powers that allow it to fly to the North Pole each night. It is said that if you touch the elf, it may not move or come alive anymore.

Who can pick up the Elf on the Shelf and place it?

The Elf on the Shelf is typically moved by parents or caregivers to different locations around the house to maintain the illusion that it has magic powers. It is important for children to believe that the elf moves on its own each night.

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By picking up the spoon!!! I'm sorry about your mental issues... so sad! :'( another answer very carefuly...

How do you eat soup with out a spoon?

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