

Will the menstrual cycle day remain the same every month?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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Q: Will the menstrual cycle day remain the same every month?
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Did lesbians get periods every month?

Orientation has nothing to do with menstrual cycle.

When does a woman have her menstrual flow?

A woman has her menstrual flow during menstruation, which is at the start of her menstrual cycle. The typical menstrual cycle is around 28 days, meaning she should menstruate roughly every month.

Does the menstrual cycle happen every month?

Yes, roughly every 28 days menstruation will occur. Not everyones cycle is 28 days and there can be a few days variation from one cycle to the next.

Brownish discharge ten days after menstrual cycle is it normal?

if u get it every month maybe its ovulation spotting

Why does menstrual flow come once a month for most females?

The average menstrual cycle length is 28 days, which is around a month long. A menstrual cycle is around this length simply because this is how long it takes for your body to ovulate and in turn for it to menstruate.

What causes you r period date to change?

Your period doesn't start on a specific calendar date, calendars are man-made and your menstrual cycle is controlled by nature/biology. When you menstruate is determined by your menstrual cycle, the typical cycle is 28 days but everyone is different and up to a weeks variation from your average menstrual cycle is normal - it's not possible for your periods to start the same day of the month every month.

What happens to a boy every month?

He gets to pinch and punch for the first of the month against his friends. Seriously, nothing happens to every boy every month. There is no equivalent of the female menstrual cycle or any other event specific to males on a monthly basis. and he masturbates every month

How do you determine the amount of days in your menstrual cycle?

a menstrual cycle (more comonly known as a period) lasts about a week and happens once a month.

Why do period happens twice in one month?

When you get your period depends on your menstrual cycle. If you have a 28 day menstrual cycle you will likely get your period once per month, where as if you have a 20 day cycle it is possible to have two periods in one month - e.g. you could get your epriod on the 1st of the month, then again on the 20th of the month.

Is it normal to have a 27 day menstrual cycle when it is normally a 28 day or 30 day cycle?

Oh God! A 30 day cycle? it's only supposed to last a week every month.

Can you have your period again before the next month?

Yes, your period isn't determined by the calendar date but is determined by your menstrual cycle - if your menstrual cycle was only 21 days long then you could menstruate on the first of the month, then again on the twentyfirst of the month.

Can a woman get a period twice a month?

It is possible for a female to go through their menstrual cycle twice in one month. There are many factors that can contribute to this. Hormones and stress levels are large factors in relation to the menstrual cycle.