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If you're in the US, any past due child support is due to and paid to the custodial parent unless the custodial parent is receiving benefits. In some cases the arrears are owed to the state.

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Q: Will the mother of the child receive back pay when the father pays it?
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If a got married can the mother collect back child support from my father?

Marriage of the mother, father or child have no relationship to the collection of a debt.

If you are 24 years old and your mother is now receiving back child support from the father are you allowed to get the child support from the mother?

no it goes to the mother.

If the custodial parent two children give one of the children back to the father does the father still have to pay child support for the one child that stayed with the mother or are they even?

No, the father has to pay child support for both children. Of course the child that decides to live with him will be treated as he/she were when you were both married, but the child you have will still continue to receive child support by law!

In Michigan if two people have a child together with no custody agreement can the mother take the child from the father?

Only in cases of illegitimate births. Well, the mother can take the child but she can't stop the child from seeing the father. the child deserves to see the father in their life. The father can also take the child back and the parents can share time with the child. Or the child can make his/her own decision to live with the mother or father.

If the father is paying child support to the mother and the child is living with the father. does he still pay child support?

This depends on a couple of things, the state you are in and what your court order says. If the child is living full time with one parent it is the other parent who pays child support. However, if the child is living with the father for the summer (summer possession) the father will still continue to pay the mother child support even though the child temporarily is living with the father. The reason for this is the mother still has bills that are keeping the house and such for the child to come back too. The only way a father will not have to pay is if the court order says that during summer possession the father does not have to pay child support, but normally in this case the mother would not be obligated to pay child support to the father. However in the end, people should do what is best for the children and not worry about the dollars they receive or don't receive.

What would happen if a child is with their father for his weekend and child runs away to the mother with primary custody?

The police can bring the child back to his father since the court order says it is his weekend. The mother also have a responsibility to make sure the child is brought back and can not break the court order.

Is it illegal for a father to take a child from the mother and not give the child back?

It would be illegal. He is committing the crime of kidnapping.

What if the father has custody of the child at age 17 and the child run away to the mother within the same state can the mother get in trouble with the law when she does not give the child back him?

Yes, harboring a runaway.

Make a mother move back to the state the father lives?

Whether or not you can make the mother move with her child back to the state where the father lives depends on the original court order, where you live, and what is best for your child. If you don't have a court order that specifies that the mother must remain in a certain state, you'll need to petition the court to make her move back. If the court believes that it is in the best interest of the child to live in the same state as the father, the mother may be ordered to move.

My mother never paid child support for my sister and I. We are now over the age of 18. Can my father sue to get back child support?


If a child is iving with the father can the mother take the child back?

The best way to handle this is to get a court order establishing legal custody.

Can a mother come back to the father for child support after he has relinquished his parental rights eleven years ago?
