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There are comets around all the time. In order to have this much of a cataclysmic effect, it would need to pass very close to the earth, if not hit it entirely. At the moment, we do not know of any comets on this trajectory.

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Does halleys comet cause catastrophies?

No. The only way a comet could cause a catastrophe would be if it collided with Earth. The orbit of Halley's Comet keeps it at a safe distance from us.

In 1986 spacecraft giotto flew within 400 miles of the nucleus of what famous comet?

Halley's Comet

Are comets related to nuclear energy?

Not directly, but as a comet approaches the sun, which is one big fusion reactor, the heat will cause the surface of the comet to vaporize, forming the comet's tail.

What causes a comet to have a tali?

cause it gets to close to the sun

What happens when sunlight hits a comet?

When it is from very far away, nothing. But when a comet approaches the inner Solar System,solar radiation causes the volatile materials within the comet to vaporize and stream out of the nucleus, carrying dust away with them. That is what we call the 'tail' of a comet.

What cause the tail of a comet to form?

When a comet nears the sun, and begins to out-gas, solar wind pushes the particles away. as the comet nears the sun, more & more particles are emitted, and the tail grows.

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A shooting star, which is within the Earth's atmosphere.

Comets that appear within every 200 years are called comets?

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Do scientist believe earth was once a comet?

No, that hypothesis has not been proposed within mainstream science.

What do scientist hope to learn about comets?

The original of our solar system could be locked within a comet.

Different if earth had an orbit like that of a comet?

our earth would be then fried, becasue the orbit of a comet orbits around the sun which cause the comet to be insanely high. which in one case would fry our earth if our orbit was near the sun

How often does the comet Panstarr come within view?

That's a nonperiodic comet, meaning it won't come back any time soon. It is hard to determine the exact period of such comets.