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Q: Will the royal marines recruit you if you have a past history with drugs and anxiety?
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is in a group of drugs called benzodiazepines, most of the time anxiety dissorders are treated with this class of drugs along with SSRI's

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What causes respiratory depression when using anti anxiety medication?

Anti-anxiety drugs are CNS depressants. What happens with these types of drugs is that heart rate decreases, BP decreases consequently respiration decrease as well, and If a patient has a problem or history of asthma or any airway disease this medication could cause respiratory depression.

What is an anxiolytic?

Anxiolytics are prescription drugs used to treat and prevent anxiety disorders. Anxiety is an emotional state in which fear dominates a person's life. Drugs that are often prescribed to manage anxiety episodes are known as benzodiazepines.

Book the history of drugs?

The History of Drugs by Katherine Swarts

How can alcohol and drug abuse cause anxiety?

It all depends on the drug, hard drugs such as cocaine and heroin can cause extreme anxiety. Most pharmaceuticals also cause anxiety. Most softer drugs, such as Marijuana affects it positively. People prone to anxiety attacks may be recommended medical marijuana.Marijuana can cause anxiety it all depends on the person the difficulty with drugs is that everyone can be affected by them differently because of their chemical make-up. I've seen a lot of paranoia caused by long-term drug use.

Mechanism of action in Anti anxiety Drugs?

machanism of antianxiety drug

What drugs control anxiety and severe disturbances of behavior?

There are many drugs that can help control anxiety. Muscle relaxers, etc. But there are other ways to control anxiety rather than medicine. Try practicing thinking to yourself and tell the anxiety to go away. This always helped me...tell yourself "im young and healthy".

Do the Marines test for steroids?

Yes. Marines take part in urinalysis often, and all illegal drugs and controlled substances (without a prescription) will get you in big trouble.

Is the treatment of anxiety safe?

Anxiety can be treated with medication or therapy. If you choose medication there is always the chance of side effects, however serious side effects from common drugs used to treat anxiety are rare. It is unlikely you'll be able to successfully treat yourself for anxiety, and if you mean by using drugs that is not safe. Consult a doctor for treatment.

How treatable is anxiety?

There are certainly drugs which can treat anxiety. There are also some situations in which it is appropriate to feel some degree of anxiety. Sometimes we do have things that warrant some degree of worry. But if your emotional reactions are excessive, drugs can help. These should be prescribed by a psychiatrist, don't prescribe for yourself.

Does Wellbutrin have the same affects as Celexa?

Wellbutrin and celexa are two different drugs. Celexa is a good drug for anxiety and welbutrin is better to counter the effects of high anxiety drugs which can make you almost comatose. Wellbbutrin can cause people with anxiety nightmares so be careful with that one.