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Barbara R. Rossing (The Rapture Exposed) says that the Rapture has its origins in the nineteenth century beginning, according to one critic, with a young girl's vision. In 1830, in Port Glasgow, Scotland, fifteen-year-old Margaret MacDonald attended a healing service. There, she was said to have seen a vision of a two-stage return of Jesus Christ. The story of her vision was adopted and amplified by John Nelson Darby, a British evangelical preacher and founder of the Plymouth Brethren.

The belief that Jesus will come again was not new, and Christians have always taught that Jesus will return to earth and that believers should live in anticipation of his second coming. Darby's new teaching was that Christ would return twice. The first return would be in secret, to "Rapture" his church out of the world and up to heaven. Pictures of the Rapture portray the sky full of people on their way to heaven. This is the one change that proponents of Darby's scheme seem to agree on. Christ would return a second time after seven years of global tribulation for non-believers, to establish a Jerusalem-based kingdom on earth.

In 1830, it was easy to teach that people would travel physically up to heaven, because few people really knew what is really above the clouds and most people still thought of heaven as "up there" physically. Now we know it is a nonsense to think of people being snatched up through the sky, as Darby had envisaged. John Nelson Darby has sunk into obscurity, apart from his followers in the Plymouth Brethren, and so should his theology. There will be no Rapture and the sky will not be filled with people taken bodily up into heaven.

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It's not specified in The Bible if the sky will physically change during the rapture. The focus is more on the event itself and its spiritual significance.

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Is Matthew 24.40 the rapture?

Matthew 24:40 refers to a time of separation at the Second Coming of Christ, with one taken and the other left. This verse is often associated with the concept of the rapture, but interpretations vary among different Christian traditions. Some view it as part of the process of the rapture, while others see it in a different context.

Will the rapture happen on October 21?

There is no way to predict the exact date of the rapture as it is a belief rooted in Christian theology. Different interpretations and views exist on when the rapture will occur, but many Christian denominations believe that it is not predetermined and will happen at an unknown time in the future.

Is Jesus going to take the church home before the tribulation or after it?

Different Christian denominations have varying beliefs on when Jesus will take the church home in relation to the tribulation. Some believe in a pre-tribulation rapture where the church will be taken before the tribulation, while others believe in a post-tribulation rapture where it will happen after the tribulation. Ultimately, the exact timing is uncertain and is based on interpretation of biblical texts.

What year is the rapture?

There is no definitive answer to when the rapture may occur as it is a topic of theological debate among some Christian denominations. Different interpretations of biblical scripture have led to varying beliefs regarding the timing of the rapture.

What will happen to harlots at the time of rapture?

The concept of the rapture, as understood in Christian theology, generally teaches that true believers will be taken up to meet Jesus in the air. The fate of individuals like harlots is not explicitly detailed in this context, as it is believed that salvation is available to all who accept Jesus Christ as their savior, regardless of their past actions or occupations. Ultimately, it is believed that only God can judge the hearts of individuals at the time of the rapture.

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