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Q: Will this help with itching acetaminophen chlorheniramine maleatephenytloxamine?
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Can percocet help for a cold?

Yes, Percocet contains both oxycodone and acetaminophen. Acetaminophen is an antipyrectic - a fever reducer.

What will help your dog stop itching?

A bath.

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Why does rubbing alcohol help mosquito bites stop itching?

because the alcohol has bio forcin in it to relieve itching

Why was Tylenol developed?

Well... Tylenol has Acetaminophen in it. Ibuprofen has Acetaminophen in it. Even Norcos and Vicodin have Acetaminophen in them. Acetaminophen is used for anti-inflammatory purposes. So your question is phrased weird, but there ya go!

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Do cortisone shots cause itching?

Creams or ointments containing cortisone may help control itching from insect bites, contact dermatitis, or eczema.

What type of illness can antihistamine treat?

Antihistamines (diphenhydramine or Benadryl) can help relieve itching caused by hives but won't affect itching from other causes.

Does Tylenol help Oxycontin work?

You can take a plain Tylenol (acetaminophen) along with oxycodone if it is plain oxycodone. Do not take too much acetaminophen - if your oxycodone already has acetaminophen or APAP in it, don't take more on top of what's already there.

How does calamine lotion treat chickenpox?

Calamine lotion doesn't actually treat the chickenpox virus. It does, however, help relieve the itching that is associated with the spots. It contains an anti-itching agent to relieve itching.

Is washing vagina with baking soda and water help the itching after sex?

YES it does