

Will tomato seeds germinate in tomato extract?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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Q: Will tomato seeds germinate in tomato extract?
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Does tomato juice inhibit seed germination?

The quick answer is yes. Tomato juice contains certain substances such as Potassium which will inhibit the germination of seeds. If seeds are placed in 100% tomato juice then none should germinate however more will germinate when the concentration of tomato juice is reduced.] Hope that helps!!

Do tomato seeds germinate better in juice milk or water?

They germinate better in moist compost in the right conditions.

Why don't seeds germinate inside of a tomato and other fruits?

because they need more moisture

Will tomato seeds grow in water or tomato extract?

Water is the better choice because it helps germination

What happens when you germinate 200 seeds of tomato a dark cupboard?

it may grow very fast in the dark area

Do sunflower seeds germinate?

In order to germinate sunflower seeds hull them. This will cause them to germinate more quickly. Put the seeds in a jar with water and they will germinate.

What foes germinate mean?

To germinate is to begin life, as in "the tomato seed germinated and grew into a tomato plant."

Can you eat tomato seeds and what are they?

Yes, you can eat tomato seeds. They are completely indigestible and will pass completely through the digestive system unchanged. The only people that can have problems with tomato seeds (and other live seeds) are those with diverticulosis, when pouches (diverticula) form in the wall of the colon. Seeds can be caught in these pouches and in some cases germinate and begin growing inside you! If this happens the person will require surgery to remove the pouches with the plants inside them.

What are the three things that a cell needs to germinate?

Cells do not germinate. Seeds germinate.

Where plant grow and seeds germinate?

Plants grow from the roots and seeds germinate in the roots as well.

What are the fastest seeds to germinate?

Pea seeds

Is a tomato that has sprouted seeds safe to eat?

The seeds of a tomato are inside it, and usually sprout after the tomato decays and the seeds can then germinate. Seeds can actually start to sprout inside the tomato if it is kept around long enough and at room temperature. Do not eat the sprouting seeds. The flesh of the tomato is probably OK, but it must be getting a bit old and the flavor might not be what you'd hope for. I'd toss it and get a fresher one. There may be a green leaf-like top on the tomato, this is part of the plant where it was attached to the vine. A tomato with one of those is perfectly edible - just pick off the piece, it will come away easily.