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I tried a formula that was suppose to kill weeds and grass because i was trying get away from herbicides.

I used 5% white vinegar and a small amount of soap. I used a dial a spray set at 8oz. which will put down the heaviest amount. 4 applications later i still had the weeds that included some wild daisies, grasses, purslane and sandburs. It did not do a thing.

Now i believe straight vinegar would but not if you tried what i did and you had some wind drift.

Thats my five cents worth


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Q: Will vinegar kill roses marigolds and perennial hibiscus?
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It depends on the plant, the most popular thorn plants are cactuses and roses, i hope this helps

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Marigolds are a summer annual, grow upright. Come in white, yellow, and orange. Roses are a bush. Come in red, yellow, pink, white, blue. Pansies are a cold weather annual. They do best in the fall and spring. Petunias are a summer annual and are a trailing plant. They are a tubular/deep throated flower and attract hummingbirds. Come in many colors.

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