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Q: Will wild birds eat sunflower seeds that are over a year old?
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Do birds eats sunflower seeds?

Yes, most birds -- both wild and domestic -- will eat sunflower seeds. For domestic birds, this is not as healthy as a balanced diet of mixed seeds, but wild birds will often eat sunflower seeds from a bird feeder in combination with their natural diet of wild seeds, berries, and/or insects.

What seeds are usually included to entice wild birds?

Wild birds eat a number of different seeds. One of the most common seeds found in bird seed is sesame seeds. Birds love these seeds and they are popular with a number of species of birds.

Does Spitz manufacture wild bird seed?

Spitz does not manufacture wild bird seed, but the company does make many different flavors of sunflower seeds. Sunflower seeds are sometimes used as bird seed.

What kind of wild bird seed is best for southwest Pennsylvania?

You can use the usual sunflower seeds or safflower seeds. Whatever you do, don't use millet. It attracts pest birds that put our native songbird populations at risk.

3 things that can be fed to a wild bird?

Sunflower seeds, millet, berries

Is sunflower is shrub or tree?

The sunflower is an annual plant in the family Asteraceaeis. There are several varieties. The sunflower is a single stalked flower that produces seeds. The seeds are much used for feeding parrots, wild birds, and various pets such as rats, mice and hamsters, etc., as part of a mixed diet. The seeds can be used in cooking and will be on sale in health stores, either as seeds or as an oil. So, in a way, it is a kind of herb in cooking, but definitely not a shrub or a tree.

Are sunflower seeds a grain?

Some seeds are grain but some are not these seeds that are considered a grain: Amaranth, Buckwheat berries, and Wild rice.

Do birds eat the entire nyjer or Niger seed or do they consume part of the seed and leave the seed coat behind as they do with sunflower seeds?

Nyjer seed does not have a shell like sunflowers. Wild birds eat all of the nyjer seed.

What do American goldfinch's eat?

Seeds, any kind of wild seed will do, but greatly prefer sunflower and thisle seeds.

Do sunflower seeds contain gluten?

No. It seems that all nuts are seeds, but not all seeds are nuts. In order to be considered a nut, the seed must NOT split along a seam (ie peanuts and sunflower seeds, which are not nuts for this reason).

What kind of home made cookies can wild-birds eat?

Don't feed birds cookies, it's not good for them. There are many things you can feed them. Sunflower, safflower seeds. Millet and milo seed. Nectar in hummingbird feeders. Suet. Orange slices, and raisins.

Name one thing you should not feed wild birds?
