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Q: Will you be playing with the top or bottom strip of DNA?
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Solid blue strip at the top with Pennsylvania in white on the top, yellow strip at the bottom with the state site then three letters the little keystone symbol then four numbers..... That's the average plate on the road.

How do you make a star out of a plastic bead necklace?

first get a plastic beed neacklace.get 20 or 19 beads.put them between your pointer and middle finger and let it hang twist it at least 2 shouls noe have a loop at the end of the the same thing on the loop except do 1 or 2 less should now have a long strand of beads should look like a pull the other end of the necklace through the small hole on the bottom of the DNA strip.this is sort of tricky.but before you do that change the size of the last loop a little pull it through the bottom should now hane what looks like a giant ball .do these same steps on the other side.but instead you do not have to pull the other end throught the bottom you should have the DNA strip and a giant ball.on the DNA strip take the top loop and the bottom loop.pull the bottom loop though the top break the DNA loop so you have the necklace but on the opposite you should have the neaklace with tiny streings hanging out.that is how you make a neack lace with a jewel looking stone on it

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The Aboriginal flag is a horizontal bicolor flag with a black top half and a red bottom half, separated by a thin yellow stripe in the middle. The black represents the Aboriginal people, the red represents the red earth, and the yellow represents the sun, spirituality, and the connection to the land.

How is DNA separated into distinct bars (what is the difference between the bars at the bottom vs the bars at the top)?

Nucleic acid electrophoresis is an analytical technique use to separate DNA or RNA. The DNA fragments of different lengths are visualized using a fluorescent dye

Is numerator on top or bottom?

is it on the top or bottom?????/

Do you read a miniscus from top to bottom or bottom to top?


Colors of the madagascan flag?

Well, the madagascan flag is a white strip on the left, and on the right there are two horizontal strips, the top one is red and the bottom one is green.

How is the column of Trajan like comic strip?

The Column of Trajan in Rome can be likened to a comic strip because it tells a visual story in a sequential manner. The continuous spiral frieze on the column depicts scenes of Trajan's military campaigns, functioning as a narrative that can be followed from bottom to top, resembling the format of a comic strip.

Is the order of half-rung bases exactly the same from top to bottom on each side of your DNA ladder?

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When you read a DNA sequencing gel from the bottom to the top is what you read called the coding strand or the non-coding strand?

The result you get from reading the gel from the bottom up is called the anti-coding (or non-coding strand).