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Q: Will you fail the Royal Marines Medical because of raynards syndrome?
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What is the treatment for couvade syndrome?

There is no standard mainstream treatment recommended for couvade syndrome because it is not usually mentioned in medical textbooks.

How can Munchausen syndrome by prevented?

Because the cause of Munchausen syndrome is unknown, formulating a prevention strategy is difficult. Some medical facilities and healthcare practitioners have attempted to limit hospital admissions for Munchausen patients by sharing medical records.

When did the Marines found the Young Marines?

1959 and I know because I am one

Why did the marines begin?

The marines had to begin because they wanted to save people that hurt and graduate

Why do space marines cool?

space marines cool because they hot before now they cool.

What is fetal alchohl syndrome?

A congential medical condition in whinch the body deformation occurs or facial development ability is impaired because the mother drinks

Which is more qualified the in combat the marines or army?

the marines because if u play cod4 the marines are skilled butt in mw2 the army is not well skilled

Why cant marines wear Semper fi tattoo's in marines?

Because tattoo's are not sanctioned by the Marine Corps.

Can Billy Rock be in the marines?

No you see because hes fat bald and ugly and marines would pick on him.

Will your children get marfan syndrome if you have it?

Yes, because this syndrome is inherited.

Why do the marines guard the president?

marines guard the president because they need to protect him from being hurt or killed they make marines do it because former presidents john f kennedy and abraham lincoln got shot and were not protected

What is the medical term meaning AIDS?

AIDS is the abbreviation of acquired immuno deficiency syndrome. Acquired meaning you become infected by a specific source (not genetic or insidious random onset) and immunodeficiency because it is the final stage of the hiv virus that causes severe immune system compromise/deficiency.