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Yes, if either of them find out that you are on both then you could be discharged from both

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Q: Will you get in trouble going to a pain management dr and a methadone clinic?
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How do you sign up for methadone treatment?

You can get it by going to a METHADONE clinic, doing an intake, seeing a doctor, and producing a urine test. Methadose is RARELY prescribed by regular doctors, and when it is, its for people who have chronic severe pain. Methadone is methadose in liquid form, and you cannot get a prescription for methadone. Federal law prohibits anyone (including doctors/hospitals) other than a licensed drug treatment clinic to prescribe methadone for addiction. Depending on where you are, some clinics have 1 month waiting lists. summary- you can only get methadone and methadose from a clinic, unless you have a broken back and an allergy to codeine.

Is there a methadone program with out going to a clinic everyday?

Not really. Only licensed methadone clinics are able to use methadone to treat addiction. If you have a chronic pain issue, you may be able to get it from a pain doctor. Otherwise you must attend a methadone clinic. At first you go daily, but after 90 days you can begin to earn takehome doses and by the time you have been there for one year you can go once a week. In many states you can earn up to a month's worth of takehomes, within 2 years' time.

Will your pain management Dr GP follow your surgeons recommendation to put you on methadone if He has you taking 6 Hydrocodone 10s a day now?

Well, it depends. Methadone is prescribed for pain management but it depends on what your looking to do. If you are trying to get off of opiates then I doubt he would recommend Methadone for 6 Vicodins a day because that is not that bad of an opiate habit and methadone is alot stronger than Vicodin so there would be no point in going from Vicodin to methadone if your trying to get off opiates. But if you are looking to get better pain management because the 6 Vicodin 10mg's are not enough or are not working, than yes your doctor may follow your surgeons recommendation. From all the people I know who take methadone for pain management, they all love it because they can function more and do not get as "high" and as tired, but it really works well for pain.

Why do they test for methadone at a methadone clinic?

Testing exists to ensure that methadone patients are actually taking their medication and not selling it on the black market. I'd like to elaborate on the above answer. Testing for Methadone assures that patients are taking their medications because most people that are taking Methadone are on a previous medication that is causing the withdrawal alot of Methadone users will sell the drug to get their drug of choice. Also they want to make sure the user is not abusing the drug by taking too much.

How long should you stay in methadone treatment?

if you are going to a clinic everyday, chances are very slim that you will ever quit. Methadone is the most addictive opiate in the world. Your best bet would be to try and get a prescription to a drug called suboxone or subutext. It is a maintenance drug that does the same things as methadone but just without having to go to the clinic everyday. I went to a clinic for years and since I have switched to suboxone my life has changed for the better. But truth be told once someone starts taking a maintenance like these everyday it is very very unlikely to ever stop.

What are some side effects on methadone?

going through major withdrawls symptoms! It is very painful and very hard to get off of the Methadone.

Can you mix Darvocet with methadone?

I have been taking methadone for 4 plus years and my dentist has prescribed darvocet a few times well aware of the fact of me being on methadone so im going to go with yes. Also i have not had any bad reaction to the mixture so i dont believe its a problem.

Can methadone sweat out of your system?

no it can't methadone is a water soluble drug goes out the urinal track i go to the methadone clinic & people who work outside in the heat sometimes have to take higher doses of methadone because sweating causes the methadone to leave your system faster.

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What drugs mixed with alcohol cause blackouts?

The answer to your question is yes and no. Yes, you can get a blackout when you take alcohol and methadone together. And no, methadone is not the cause of a blackout. If you get a blackout it is strictly from the Alcohol consumption. Of course, methadone will increase your level of intoxication. But if you blackout on methadone, you are either dead or overdosing. Methadone is a very dangerous drug and has an incredibly long half-life. I do NOT recommend mixing methadone and any other drug. If you are going to drink while on methadone, do so in moderation.

Can you take methadone and still maintain employment?

Yes. If you are legally prescribed to it you definitely can. I wouldn't recommend telling people you are on methadone unless you absolutely have to. For example, if a doctor or dentist asks if you are on any prescription drugs, if a new job requires a drug test and asks on a form if you are on any prescription drugs or if you are joining the military or some kind of organization that would require you to tell them what drugs you are prescribed to. Just don't go around telling people that information about yourself because if it gets in the hands of the wrong person, they may try to steal it off you or something, people get very desperate when withdrawing from opiates. Also, I wouldn't recommend taking methadone UNLESS you are prescribed to it by a licensed physician. Methadone isn't a drug to play around with or experiment. There are a lot of kids that are taking it and have no idea what they are getting themselves into.

After eating a small amount of methadone can you snort Oxycontin?

Methadone makes Oxycontin WAY stronger when combined. I DO NOT recommend doing this. Better to save the methadone till the next day. They help with your hangover since they are for Oxycontin addicts going through with drawls.