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I did take an oral health class, but dont shoot me if I'm wrong. Although sharing a toothbrush may be a common practice when one has forgotten a toothbrush, it may not be a good idea. Many forms of infectious bacteria may be transfered through the sharing of a toothbrush, that something such as kissing or sharing a drink may not pass. These bacteria, that the carrier may be immuned to, can have serious concequences when taken in by another individual.

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Q: Will you get sick from someone else using your toothbrush?
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How many germs are on your toothbrush?

Millions and millions of them can be found on a toothbrush if you had a microscope or Petri dish to culture them. But they are mostly all friendly and will not cause you to get sick.

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Can you reinfect yourself with a disease with your own toothbrush?

Yes, you definitely can! The article below explains how reinfection via your toothbrush happens and how to clean it to prevent reinfecting yourself and get healthy faster.

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you can only get a cold from viruses. you can get sick by sitting next someone who is ill or drink someone Else's drink

Can you get a cold or sore throat from someone else?

Sure. Many people can be carriers of disease but not actually having symptoms themselves.

How many germs on toothbrush?

about 2 or 3 months maybe. pretty much when the bristles start to spread out or when you lose them. Hope this helps! :D