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If you fail to answer a summons or subpoean to appear, it is possible that you could be held in contempt of court.

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Q: Will you go to jail for not showing up in court in Tennessee?
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Will i go to jail for shoplifting in Tennessee?

It depends on the circumstances but it is possible

Can you go to jail for pressing charges and not going to court?

No, but a person can go to jail for not appearing to answer a summons.

Is jail Tim mandatory for contempt of court?

Jail time is not always mandatory for contempt of court. If a person has to go to jail will depend upon what the judge says about their contempt of court.

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i about to go to court for a class a mis. for assault on my mother..but will ahppen to me at court jail time or probation? i about to go to court for a class a mis. for assault on my mother..but will ahppen to me at court jail time or probation?

What is the different of jail and pirson?

jail is where they sticks you once you have been arrested then u ethier get out on jail bonds or sit in jail until your court date .. once u go to court if the judge convicts you to a sentence that's when u go to a prison

Is it illegal to buy marijuana seeds in Tennessee?

Yes, buying marijuana seeds in Tennessee is highly illegal, and you could go to jail for it.

How far behind does someone have to be to go to jail in Wisconsin?

You cannot be jail for owing a debt. You are jailed for contempt of a court order, so this is the preview of the court.

Is it mandatory to appear in court on a speeding ticket in excess of 10 mile in sc?

Yes, go to court or go to jail.

What will happen if you miss your court date in north Carolina?

you will go to jail

Is fishing with corn illegal in Wisconsin?

no you can go in jail if your court doing it

Did Chris Brown go to jail according to his court due date March 5?

No because he got out on bail but his court date on Thursday we need chris go to jail for beat up his girfriend.

In Ga is there anyway to avoid an appearance in traffic court and pay a fine?

No. If you do not go to court you will be put in jail.