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Stretch marks will not cause sexual or pregnancy difficulties.

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Q: Will you have any problem in your sex life for stretch marks?
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Does everyone get stretch marks?

Yes. Stretch marks can be found on any part of the body that has the potential to gain weight, including the face. The actual stretch mark occurs when the middle layer of skin is stretched to the point where it no longer retains any elasticity. According to the All about Stretch Marks website, bleeding occurs on a microscopic level and that is what causes the raised purple marks that can be found on newer stretch marks. As the damage heals, it leaves behind the traditional raised stretch marks.

What type of stretch mark cream is the best brand to get at a discounted price?

There isn't any good brand for stretch mark creams. Don't any of those creams disappear your stretch marks. Stretch marks are something you get while stretching and gaining weight.

Is there any connection between stretch marks when your having menstruation? can get stretch marks when you scratch your thighs , arms, tummy when you are having your period i am the living proof....

What is a common age for stretch marks?

There is NO 'common age' for stretch marks. ANYONE at ANY age can get stretch marks, although in children they are exceedingly rare. The typical causes are pregnancy, obesity, and loss of skin elasticity (which is the one age-related criteria).

Is it usual to have stretch marks at the top of your thighs at 15?

Stretch marks are indications that means your muscle at any part of body is stretched. In woman it can be due to pregnancy. It's common in any age to have stretch marks. 15 is not too young a age. To get rid

What can you use on your thighs to rid me of stretch marks and stretching tearing skin?

well ive had stretch marks there but i used palmers cream and in months and they leave your skin feeling realy soft would recemend to any one with stretch marks anywere on ther body :)

How do you get stretch marks away?

* Natural remedy for stretch marks: Rub cocoa butter lotion on the stretch marks after you get out of the shower. * Apply olive oil and vitamin E oil on all areas that might be affected by stretch marks twice a day. * Mix Grind coffee with any regular hand lotion, rub into stretch marks for 1-2 minutes and wipe off with a warm moist towel. Repeat twice a day. * Home remedy for stretch marks: Rub generous amount of castor oil on the stretch marks, rap with a plastic rap and place a hot pad on. Leave it on for 20-25 minutes and wash off. * Smear Vitamin E Oil Caplets on the stretch marks.

Are stretch marks more visible in white or tanned skin?

They are more visable on tanned skin. Stretch marks don't tan, because they lack the melanin that your 'normal' skin still has. Stretch marks are basically a scar in a way - so look at any scars on your body and see what they look like when you have a tan, white? well that's the same for stretch marks.

Besides Any Oil How can you get rid of stretch marks?

I don't recommend using any oil at all for stretch marks in any case. Instead try; 1. Rubbing cocoa butter lotion on the stretch marks after getting out of the shower. 2. Mixing ground coffee with any regular lotion. Rub on for 1-2 minutes, wash of with nice warm cloth.

What product removes stretch marks?

Sadly there is no real cure for stretch marks. Cocoa butter has been a long used natural remedy to help combat the amount and severity of stretch marks. Cocoa butter can usually be found in the lotion section of any pharmacy or grocery store.

Can i use cooking olive oil for stretch mark?

You can massage your skin with any cooking oil, but it won't do anything about stretch marks.

I have a weird red line on each side of my thighs. They look and feel like stretch marks and don't have any pigment under them like stretch marks. But they are bigger than the ones I have on my arms?

Your description does look like they are stretch marks. You can try using 'Stretta' from Zenmed to get rid of them. Stretta is a herbal topical cream that works great for removing stretch marks quickly. I used it when I had developed stretch marks across my tummy post pregnancy and this worked better than cocoa butter and bio oil which I had tried initially.