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People on the web can not answer this for you. If you have a medical problem, only a qualified medical practitioner (a doctor) can advise you, after reviewing your medical history and examining you. If you are unhappy with the advice you have been given, get a second opinion.

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Related questions

What plant does gulls need?

sea oats

Do you need to cook oats?

Not if you don't want to!

How do you play Oats Peas Beans and Barley Grow on the recorder?

This is the sheet music for Oats, Peas, Beans and Barley grow from I am a student in grade 4 learning recorder so I will check back if you need another such queston answered!

Where are oats digested?

It depends on the texture. Instant oats are pressed very thin and so are digested quite a bit faster than traditional oats or, at the other end steel-cut oats. The downside to steel-cut oats must be cooked, usually for around 30 minutes before they can be eaten, whereas instant oats just need hot water.

What cereal is used to make oats?

Oats are oats, they are grown, not made. You can make cereal out of oats, but not oats out of cereal.

Can guinea pigs always have oats?

I'm not sure what you mean by that if you mean onley eating oats and drinking water, then the answer in no they would not get the nuitiration that they need. But if you mean eating oats and other stuff such as lettuce and carrots then that is fine as long as they are healthy.

What are some good 'knock knock jokes that involve oats?

knock knockl ? who's there. Oats Oats Who OATS

Where are the oats in granola from?

The oats in granola are the same rolled oats you find in oatmeal.

What does crushed oats do for horses?

crushed oats do the same thing then as regular oats

What is sewing your oats?

Actually the phrase is "sowing your oats" referring to the planting of oats in a field.

Do chickens like hulled oats?

Yes. Oats are a regular addition to most commercial feed grains. Cracked corn, wheat, oats and various other seeds make up both hen scratch and layer formulas.

What do Horses that work frequently need?

A dose of some oats and oftenly fresh corn grain