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Q: Will you receive a settlement for knee and back injury at work?
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Acl and mcl knee surgery settlement value?

The amount of a knee injury settlement will vary greatly depending on how the injury happened and where you were at. If this happened at work, you could exceed a settlement amount of 200,000 dollars.

What can you expect to receive for a workers comp knee injury?

It depends on the circumstances and the seriousness of the injury

What is the average Small Claims settlement for a slip and fall knee injury due to City negligence uneven sidewalk pavement where the fall resulted in a soft tissue injury?

accept responsibility for not looking where you walk, don't take our tax moniesIn the UK - you pay your council taxes and as such the council owe you a duty to use this money to wisely. Despite what the first person who gave an answer has said - the council owes a duty to maintain the Highway and slips trip and falls occur often is this duty is not met. The amount of money you will receive for a knee injury depends on the severity of the injury and the part of your knee that has been injured. Please see the link entitled "knee injury claim" for example of compensation amounts for various knee injuries. You have mentioned "small claims settlement" - this would normally refer to a claim under £1000.

How much can i get for a knee injury?

how much can i get for a knee injury i had 3 knee surgerys

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What does an extruded knee mean?

An extended knee means when your leg is straight. A hyperextended knee means when it is pushed back beyond straight which can result in injury.

What is the average workers compensation settlement for knee injury in State of Virginia?

Long Shoreman was injured on job. Had to have knee and shoulder surgery. Returned to work after but was unable to perform regular work duties

Do you receive money for getting stitches on your knee while on a state job?

If it was suffered as a part of your employment - either the state or Workman's Compensation should pay (or reimburse) you for the expense. If you suffered any permanent lasting injury you might be awarded a small monetary settlement.

What does it mean if you have a sudden knee injury for no apparent reason?

Sudden knee pain with no injury

When do you need to get a knee brace?

When you get a knee injury.

What can you expect as settlement for an injury resulting in permanent total disability?

Had to have a total knee replacement plus two shoulder surgeries am at 100 per cent disability

How do you prevent knee injury?

Wear Knee Pads.