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Q: Will you still be on probation if you serve all of your time?
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What is Punishment if you didn't complete the probation on a Burglary case?

Violation of Probation. You could face revocation of some or all of your remaining sentence, and be required to serve that time in jail rather than on probation.

If you had a felony and had to do probation and pay restitution and did not complete your probation or pay your restitution because you became homeless what could happen?

If you do not complete the terms of your probation, your probation could be revoked and you could be required to serve any or all time remaining on your probation. It doesn't matter why you didn't do it.

What is administrative probation?

Administrative probation is sometimes referred to as "Court supervised" probation. Administrative Probation means you will not have to report monthly in person to a probation officer. However, you are still on probation. You still must complete all required terms and conditions of your probation or you face a warrant for your arrest for Violation of Probation.

Can a parolee join the army?

No, you must have served your time on parole or probation before you can enlist in the Army. You also have to pay all your fines and have fulfilled all requirements of your probation or parole. Just wait out your time and once parole or probation is over than you can start the process of enlistment.

What is felony probation?

Felony probation is a sentence the judge imposes when someone pleads guilty to a felony. It allows a person to serve his sentence without going to jail or to prison. The person will be under court supervision and he can be incarcerated if he violates the terms of his probation.

Does everyone on parole serve a prison sentence before being released?

Parole is in essence an inmate being allowed to serve their time in the community. All parolees have been to prison. Probation which is an alternative to prison is different even though some felons who have topped a prison sentence are granted probation on a new conviction.

What will happen if you fail your first probation drug test and get possession of marijuana and non prescribed pill?

In all probablility you will get "violated" and sentenced to serve the original penalty for your offense.

Can a person serve probation abroad?

I don't think so because one of the requirements of probation is that you are able to be contacted by your probation officer at all times. Phone calls don't count, so I would say probably not.

Do you get a bond if you are arrested on a probation violation by failing a drug test?

If you are on probation and are violated for anything at all you cannot bail on a probation hold i know cause ive been through county and prison systems if you catch a case on a felony you will automatically violate but if they serve you 6months for the violation and your still fighting your controlling case when your violation ends youll be able to bail

How long can you get for a probation violation if he was originally charged with felonious assault and aggravated burglary?

Probation itself IS a sentence. If you abide by all the conditions of the probation sentence you will remain free of jail. If you violate the condition(s) of your probation your freedom can be revoked and you can be remanded to jail to serve the remainder of the term of your sentence.

Is ajudication withheld considered a felony conviction?

If you successfully complete the term of your probation, and all its requirements, the finding of guilty will be removed from the records. If you do NOT successfully complete the entire terms of your probation, the guilty sentence will immediately be activated and you will be found Guilty and serve the remainder of your sentence. However, even if you successfully complete your probation even though there will be no record of your conviction, the record of your arrest and the charge will still exist.

True false when using shock probation the judge sentences an offender to a prison term and then suspends the sentence before the offender actually starts to serve the sentence in a jail or prison?

I have never heard of the term "shock" probation. But other than that, you have accurately described all probation sentences, except for the fact that nothing is "suspended." You are simply out in the general population (at the pleasure of the court) and as long as you obey a few simple rules you will be okay. HOWEVER - never forget that behind that probation lies the sentence itself, for which you could be remanded to jail to serve if, at any time, you violate your probation restrictuons and obligations.