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Yes because guinea pigs are very social animals. It is highly recommended to have more than one guinea pig!

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Q: Will your guinea pig be happier with another guinea pig?
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What will happen if one of the two guinea pigs you have passes away?

i found that my guinea pig was happier on his own rather than with my other guinea pig and he wasn't scared of new people like he was before.

Can another mum guinea pig take on a rejected baby guinea pig from another mum?


Do guineu pigs have to have another guinea pig with them?

They do like company and would definitely prefer another guinea pig with them.

Can a guinea pig share a cage with another guinea pig it doesn't even no?

Yes, i bought one Guinea pig and added another around the same time, and they get along great.

Can you give another guinea pig that has had babies another baby guinea pig from a different mum that has been rejected?

yes, but don't be surprised if the Guinea pig rejects it too. but it might not

Is a bunny a good companion for a guinea pig?

Rabbits/Bunnies do NOT make good cage mates for Guinea Pigs. The Guinea Pig needs another of its own kind to thrive. Even if it does have another Guinea Pig partner, the Rabbit/Bunny may try to kill, hurt, or eat them. I hope this answers your question!

How do you cure a guinea pig when it is very sad?

If you only have one guinea pig get him/her another guinea pig friend of the same gender. It could be lonely.

If a hybrid guinea pig breeds with another hybrid guinea pig what will the offspring be?

Basically a crossbreed

Can a boy guinea pig get another boy guinea pig pregnant?

No, only girls get pregnant :)

What does it mean when a guinea pig rips fur off another guinea pig?

it's horny.

Are guieny pig happy even without a cage mate?

Guinea pigs are definitley happier with a cage mate.

Do guinea pigs live longer when they have a guinea pig friend living with them?

Guinea Pigs Live Longer With Guinea Pig FriendsYes- if a guinea pig doesn't have a friend living with them then there life can be reduced by 3-6 years. Besides living longer guinea pigs will be happier and healthier too. Even if you think that your guinea pig could nto be any happier you will be able to see a difference in you guinea pigs behavior if you add a cage mate to their lives. If you want the best for your guinea pig then add a cage mate for it to play with. If they have a companion then they will be a lot happier and healthier and they will have something to live for.without a friend guinea pigs lives will be shorter and a guinea pig can get depressed and once that happens they will live shorterA guinea pig friend will give the guinea pig constant stimulation.Top that with regular excercise- changing up the toys and diet (enrichment) and you will be the proud owner of a happy guinea pig.and A happy guinea pig will live a longer and happier life!Guinea Pigs can live 5-8 years alone while the life expectancy is reduced to 3-5 years without a companionBut you have the POWER to change this!Guineas Pigs are social animals capable of forming pair bonds.They like to interact with other guinea pigs and people, play with toys and run around- it releases oxytocin and other "happy" brain chemicals.Guinea pigs need to be stimulated: Imagine sitting in a glass square all day- it's boring. Guinea pigs can become depressed, leading to sedentary behavior, weight gain, loss of interest in activities and an early death.Even if you could give your guinea pig 24 hour attention it still would not be the same for them if they had another guinea pig to play with.Answeryes all animals (humans included ) will usually live longer if they have companionshipLauryn24-yes he will have somthing to live for.