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As the hair starts to grow from the roots, the original hair color will appear from that area. The hair that has been permanently colored will remain that way until the color grows out or is stripped out.

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Q: Will your original hair color return after a permanent dye?
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Can you apply demi permanent hair color over demi permanent color?

Yes, demi permanent hair color can be applied over any type of color. It will refresh the original color very nicely.

Is there non permanent hair color?

There is permanent hair color and semi-permanent hair color. _____________ Demi permanent and temporary are also known as non permanent hair color.

Can you apply permanent hair color on semi permanent hair color?

Yes, you can apply permanent hair color on top of semi-permanent hair color. Make sure that you do a deep conditioning treatment or hair masque before and after you color your hair.

If you dye your hair will your original hair color grow back?

It depends on the type of hair dye you used. If it is the temporary hair dye, then your original hair color will come back. If it is permanent hair dye, it might grow back, or it might not.

Does hair return to its natural color after using demi-permanent dye?

Yes it should. A Demi permanent hair color contain little ammonia and are made to only deposit color or add tone to the hair. It last for about 4 to 6 weeks.

How can you return your hair to its natural colour?

You can just wait until your hair grows out , or you can dye your hair back to it's original color. (:

If you dye your hair will it go back to it's natural color?

Not if you use a permanent dye. If you do your hair will grow out and you will see the original colour. Use semi permanent dyes if you want it to wash out.

Will hair return to natural colour after using non permanent hair colourant?

Yes, eventually the demi (or semi) permanent color will fade away since it gradually fades with each shampoo.

Can you use permanent hair color after havign used semi permanent?

Of course you can. Semi permanent dye simply adds color to your hair. A permanent will actually cause your natural color to change. But remember this... color doesn't lift color. Therefore if your semi permanent hair color is darker than the permanent color you are going for---- it isn't going to work. You need to use a color remover before hand. And color removers are REALLY damaging to hair.

If you use permanent blond hair dye will it make your hair blond?

The purpose of permanent blond hair dye is to change your hair color to a blond color, but it depends on what your original hair color is on how effective it is. If it is dark enough, it may be necessary to do multiple colorings or bleach your hair before dying it. If you plan on just trying to lighten your hair color, I suggest using a hair dye that's only a shade lighter than your desired color.

Is there a permanent color spray for hair?

Can the permanent color hair spray easily wash away during washing

Does color charm demi-permanent hair color cover grey hair?

Demi permanent is better for covering gray hair than semi permanent so make sure you read the package carefully. Also demi permanent color doesn't actually lighten hair only darkens it. If you want it lighter the best option is permanent hair color. It does cover gray hair though, but permanent covers grey hair even better.