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At room temperature, Mercury is liquid, iron is solid.

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Q: Witch element found in liquid form mercury or iron?
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Related questions

What is the heaviest element found as a liquid?

Mercury is the heaviest element at a liquid state.

Is mercury found in nature?

In a liquid elemental state or as an element contained in certain minerals.

What element is the only metal that is found as a liquid at room temperate?

Mercury is the only metal element to be found as a liquid at room temperature (298K). It is often used in thermometers due to this property. Mercury has the symbol Hg, the atomic number 80 and a relative atomic mass of 200.59.

What is the phases of Mercury?

Mercury is a liquid. It can be found in thermometers.

Is the Mercury in a thermometer considered a mineral?

No, because the metal mercury which is a liquid at room temperature, does not occur naturally in the "native" state. It is usually found as Cinnabar (Mercuric oxide). It is an element.

What liquid metal has been found in 3500 year old Egyptian tombs.?

A:Mercury (Hg) was the element which was discovered.

Who found the element mercury?


What element is found in a thermometer?

Mercury :)

What only metal is liquid at room temp?

Mercury is the only common metal that takes the form of liquid at room temperature. There is not "only" one metal at room temperature, depending on how you define room temperature.Metals liquid at room temperature (25 0C)mercuryMetals liquid at temperature 30 - 40 0CFranciumCesiumGalliumRubidiumMercury is sometimes referred to as "quick silver," and its chemical abbreviation, Hg, is derived from the Latin word for it, which means "liquid silver."

What kind of liquid is found in a barometer?


What is mercurys texture?

Very rough. It has a lot of craters.

When was the element mercury discovered and by who?

there is no record of who discovered mercury, the element. But it is found that it was used by the ancient Chinese and has been found in the Egyptian tombs from around 1500 BC.