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Spring tides have a greater tidal range than neap tides.

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Q: Witch tides have maximum tidal range?
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Which tides have maximum tidal range?

A spring tide has the greatest tidal range. A neap tide has a smaller tidal range.

Witch tide has minimum tidal range?

Neap tides have a lesser tidal range than spring tides.

When are tides there highest?

Spring tides have the greatest tidal range.

Which tides have minimum tidal range?

The answer is a neap tide.

During neap tides tidal range is at its?

it is at its lowest.

Highest tidal rise and fall?

The Guinness Book of World Records states the world's highest tides to be in the Minas Basin, Nova Scotia, Canada, with the maximum tidal range recorded at 16.8 meters (54.6 ft).

Spring tides have a large tidal range because they occur when?

tidal forces of the moon and sun act together

What is the difference in height between successive high and low tides called?

tidal range

What is The difference between the highest and lowest tides?

It varies from place to place. It is called the Tidal Range.

An area for its large tidal range is?

The Bay of Fundy in Canada is known for having one of the largest tidal ranges in the world, with tides that can reach up to 50 feet high. This dramatic tidal range is caused by the unique shape and depth of the bay, which amplifies the gravitational forces that create tides.

Which city has the greatest tidal range?

The city with the highest tidal range in the world is located in the Bay of Fundy, Canada. The town of Burntcoat Head in Nova Scotia holds the record for the greatest tidal range, with tides reaching up to 53 feet.

When are tides the lowest?

The daily tidal range is least during neap tide. These types of tides happen when the moon and sun are at right angles with one another, causing gravitational forces to counteract each other. This creates a weak tidal force.