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Mr. Oppenheimer was the Director of the Manhattan Project which developed the atom bombs dropped on Japan.

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Q: With the development of what weapon is J Robert Oppenheimer assocaited?
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Who was j. Robert Oppenheimer?

The head scientist of the Manhattan Project, this project was the development of the first U.S nuclear weapon.

What did Julius Robert oppenheimer invent?

He invented the first nuclear weapon, the atomic bomb.

What was a famous quote of Robert J Oppenheimer?

Oppenheimer is famous for saying "Physicists have known sin". This was a reference to the first ever nuclear weapon detonation.

Why did J Robert Oppenheimer study physics?

Like most of the scientists on the Manhattan Project, the threat (or fear) that the Nazi's were developing an atomic weapon, basically compelled them (and the Army) to proceed with the development.

Why was j Robert oppenheimer investigated and denied future access to classified information in 1954?

Because he realized what a horrificly powerful weapon nuclear bombs actually are & he decided to compaign against the use of them after they were used in Japan.

J Robert Oppenheimer opinions of atomic bomb?

J. Robert Oppenheimer is not really the only "father" of the atomic bomb. Although his research and discoveries were significant, the bomb could have been invented in about the same time if he had not been part of the Manhattan Project. His fellow scientists remembered him as a visionary and capable leader at Los Alamos, while his security hearing brought to light foolish mistakes in judgment and human relationships. J. Robert Oppenheimer led the scientific efforts which produced the first atomic bomb for the United States, in 1945. Despite his brilliant achievements at the Manhattan Project, Oppenheimer's misgivings about atomic weaponry in general led to his isolation from government weapons research in the years following the war. After witnessing the first test at Trinity, Oppenheimer wrote that some laughed, some cried, and through his mind floated a line from the Bhagavadgita: "I am become death: the destroyer of worlds." His ambivalance towards the use of science for military ends led to his opposition to the development of a hydrogen bomb after the war. Unfortunately for him, the Soviet Union exploded its own atomic weapon in 1948, creating tremendous pressure for the US to develop the even larger fusion weapon.

Who was the scientific director of the secret US project known as the Manhattan Project which developed the world's first nuclear weapon?


Which weapon killed Robert E. Lee?

Robert E Lee died of a stroke

What did Dr Oppenheimer say after he invented nuclear weapon?

Oppenheimer did not "invent" nuclear weapons, but directed the team that developed the first nuclear weapons. Witnessing the fireball of the first test detonation in New Mexico, he is reputed to have quoted a line from the Bhagavad Gita - "Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds."

Were A-bombs developed by Britain?

No. American physicist Dr. Robert Oppenheimer lead a group of scientists in the Manhattan Project, which was a project to develop a nuclear weapon before the invasion of Japan. The invasion's causality prediction was over 1 million American Marines and Army Personnel. The two A-Bombs were dropped on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

What was not a weapon development during World War 1?

Nuclear weapons

Will Trade Sanction stop nuclear weapon development?

In my opinion, unlikely.